I showed friends incursions last night

you know they didnt delete dungeons right? or open world quests? no one is forcing you to only level via incursions…

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I think the hope is you would have moved to retail with such lackluster SoD design from original announcement of it’s release. /snicker.

Incursions were the worst thing to happen to SoD. Not shocked your friends had that reaction.


You have to do at least 3-4ish levels in them if you want to get friendly and want your rune. You did know there’s a rune locked behind the rep right? And at that point you might as well get honored too because the gear is better than what you’re wearing more than likely. So yeah, it’s kinda mandatory.


spot on. the same model of play as incursion has been a tried and true expansion killer for wow now for years. yet here we are…necessary rep and best lvling is…you guessed it stupid repeatable mindless no kill loops…


so you’re crying this much over having to grind a new rep?

Are you braindead or are you braindead? Nobody is crying about a rep grind they’re crying because incursions are an awful experience, especially on pvp servers where you constantly have to sit on a rezz timer.


following an addon forcing you to make the most optimal route of incursions being:
click on 4 things
turn in

is NO ONES fault but the players. if you actually played incursions like they were intended, youd realize theyre actually fun.

No one feels bad for brainless NPC players following a botted out addon telling them how to level quickly so they can grey parse in ST. Stop crying about being a meta slave

I do and no they are not.


“you’d realize theyre actually fun”

look at this guy. comedy at its finest. you are the intended audience for retail and SoD p3. grats to you and 5 other people that like the incursion/mandatory daily design. enjoy the rest of SoD with you and your 5 homies bc everyone is checking out if this incursion sht is the path forward.


yall are some of the biggest crybabies that gaming has to offer.
good thing you only have to do it like 3 times for friendly rep. or a couple more for honored for some mid pvp gear. so if you really dont like it, you dont have to stick around lmao
Theres plenty of others ways to level that arent incursions
But keep crying about how you are FORCED AGAINST YOUR WILL to meta slave and play your alts like bots to level slightly faster than questing/dungeons

Why are you upset that I do incursions like they are intended and still dislike them? It’s the only way to get rep with Emerald Wardens and one of the BiS items for Warlock is to be exalted with them. In order to play the game how I want to play it, I have to do incursions.


oh no! If i want to be BiS i have to do reps and grinds and more than just raidlog! :exploding_head:
almost like thats been a thing for all of WoW’s history…
remember when MoP cloaks forced you to PvP?

Its not “slightly” faster and thats not the problem. No one is doing anything else but them.

You dont have to take my word for it, the community has spoken by by not playing.


Are you eternally offended when someone doesn’t like what you like?


no, you guys are just some of the most entitled gamers ive ever met. Begging blizzard to just hand you things on a silver plate without having to work for them because of “muh 15 dolor a monf”
Not sure whats so hard so hard to accept about “You want to be the best? you have to do all the things” Even if its things you dont like to do…

You know I remember the fights about LFR and LFD and how they are not in the spirit of classic and would “destroy the community”.

I dont get how people raged against that but wholeheartedly accept this Incursion garbage. There is no more community.


Okay, this is exactly what I am doing. Yet you are still extremely offended that anyone dare say incursions are not fun.


Its not about just “not being fun” It killed SoD for the most part


no im not lmao.
You can have your opinion on incursions, the fact is, no one is forcing you to download an addon and sit half afk like a bot from 40-50 clicking on things. And if youre gonna cry and say ur quitting the game over that, thats where i have a problem