I showed friends incursions last night

friends had been avoiding incursions until it came to a point that the rep grind was necessary for a much needed rune. I had them install the addon and showed them how to do it.

We’re moving on from WoW and playing something else now. Guild also collapsed, that didnt help.


guess the lesson you learned was friends dont let friends use addons in wow!


:ok_hand: :boom:er


Why would you get an addon just for incursions.


From what I see in general chat while doing my ashenvale daily the no kill XP groups demand you have it now.


They wouldn’t know if you didn’t.

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That’s what I figured but I don’t bother with them so I’m not quite sure how it works.

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When “that guy” repeatedly drags his feet getting his quests and doesn’t share them properly, you’ll know.


Imagine making content that is so bad, an entire addon’s sole purpose is to automate it and lessen the tedium of doing the ‘content’

These devs, when they inevitably move to a different company as all Blizzard devs do, will have “Classic WoW” on their resume, and the interviewer panel is gonna be like “Wait are you the guys who made Nightmare Incursions?” and then the entire panel will just laugh as the interviewee runs out of the building crying.


Doing loops kill or no kill isn’t terrible imo. It’s something different than go kill x things and come back to me quests most of which were done already on mains. Plus the honored gear is pretty good.

But the whole envelope thing is a mess which is why the add-on becomes necessary quick. They need to fix that first and then maybe nerf some of the elites hp so you can solo the kill qsts.

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We did a couple without it, then with it. They couldnt believe this is what it became and said they were done.


The easiest solution is to just get rid of envelopes entirely. We’ve started to see bot scripts adapt using the add-on to overcome the RNG in quest distribution so it doesn’t seem to work as anti-bot tech anymore. Just let people pick up all of the quests.

Might add a new dimension to the gameplay as well if you could do the content solo, if you could level solely off gathering professions, etc

If you get rid of the envelopes I think you pump up the content quite a bit. No more sharing down time, no more needing add ons, no more forced grouping ( grouping will be efficient but not mandatory to maintain your quest log), and opens up alternative play styles.

I think incursions are awesome but the envelope system is such a huge L that holds good content back.


Once you do it and understand (doesnt take long) you realize no other way compares. Leveling is exceptionally faster, decent rng drops (greens, cloth etc), rep for rep gear.

Dungeons are dead, open world is dead, all thats left is Offer runs, Incursions, and Raiding. What I find funny is the gatekeepers crying about parses wont have the option to turn people away from raids very soon.


The hilarious part about this is that no-kill doesn’t even feel as efficient as just doing the full loop, kill quests and all.

It was never about that. Notice how there’s 4 charges on the deputy tokens? It’s that ridiculous “YOu nEED tO SocIALizE” that the devs keep trying to force feed us.

…I expect they had this ‘walled garden’ vision that people would grab the initial quest (the one outside the Dream-area), get an envelop and be like “lfm group :”>" and would get into a group and have a magical time; making friends and being all like “omg (^-^) this is so wholesome. I want to keep playing. Devs, you’re the bestest (^-^)”.

And I find it completely hilarious and so befitting their “design choice” that the players have boiled it down to “lfg/lfm nkl”, which has zero party chat and you’re left for dead if you fall behind (ie get dazed-dismounted). No team work. No friendships. Just pure, cold, ‘optimized gameloop’.


To be fair I have had several good times. I’ve leveled 40-50 in incursions 4 times and 25-35 once and only one of those expeditions would I say was not enjoyable on some level.

I hate, hate-hate-HATE the logistics of trying to get a tank or healer for remote dungeon groups, getting a tank, they have to bio 5 times because they have a UTI, they have to change seven diapers… I’m sick of it. Dungeon spam can be fun for like the first week when all your homies are leveling together but past the first week I want leveling to feel efficient and streamlined without having to put together a dungeon group with brain-addled boomers.

Incursions are a form of party play that doesn’t require the trinity and that’s beyond blessed for leveling up.

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incursions = bot simulator.

Scraping bottom of the toilet bowl level of content.


Ban bots, create content and encourage bot like gameplay


Anything short of raid, M+, or rated PvP content is bot content.

So is this for exp or just a rune you get at friendly? because getting to friendly takes like an hour of doing incursion quests or 2 days by doing the main quest that give 1000 rep once per day.