I showed friends incursions last night

Back in Wrath it was around the time Trial of the Crusader and the Daily quests patch that I quit the first time. I did incursions, NKL, got reverred with Emerald something something, did enough wild offering runs to get my trinket and ring and then instead of raiding with my guild I just quit. I can’t do this crap anymore. The first two phases of SoD were great, Phase 3 and the repeatitive incursion/wild offering garbage killed it for me. I don’t play wow when it feels like work and that is what this felt like.

Where is the doscovery?

Why lock us out of dungeons but let us do endless incursion loops?


Incursion design is so bad that even when I was making 300g/hr during the start of P3 leveling, I still went and did dungeon grinding instead.

It’s brainless content with the added tedium of managing 30 rotating inventory items. Some of which get stuck in the envelope leaving you confused with an inventory worth of crap that all looks and reads the same outside of a Roman numeral.

Ruins the world by trivializing everything in it
Ruins dungeons by trivializing everything in them, including previous raid tiers
Ruined the economy with three weeks of unfettered bot loop gold farms

I remember telling someone in my leveling group, “…thank God, I don’t need the feral rune – I will not be doing this.”

It was instantly apparent how bad the incursion content was.

I’d rather strugglebus through a terrible Zul’Farak run with bad players than become a bot following a train of bots.


tourists come and go all the time. you are not special.

Based. The weird mental asylum classic andies trapped in the nightmare loving every second of it too. Choking on their own cognitive bias and refuse to see mechanics LIKE incursions kill the game for people who wanted classic + not daily simulator. Not very sand boxy and very on rails content.


Incursions were such a terrible idea. I’d rather grind ZF and mara than do this garbage. At least you have to cast abilities and do fights… Just put #&#_@ levers to pull that give 10k a pop at this rate wtf


Imagine trying to defend incursions.


then go do that

To clean my inventory faster because it adds so much crap into it.

You wanted a 20 year old game that you can just walk around and mindlessly do the same quests you’ve have shoved down your throat for the entire life of the game. Go back to classic vanilla and no one wants your crybaby around. People are enjoying it. People are enjoying incursions because it isn’t the same quests from 20 years ago. If you join no kill groups you’re retarded as the kill groups level 10x faster.

Because they want to play their 20 year old game with no changes yet again. They’re going to cry and cry about any changes because those of us who adult don’t want to take forever to level as we might have 2 hours a night to play.

A) It’s the fault of the design that no kill laps are the fastest xp. “No kill” shouldn’t exist at all.
B) Incursions still aren’t fun if you’re choosing to do all quests. You’re still doing the same 6 quests with 3 different skins on repeat.


Everyone hates incursions. Just like they’d hate RDF.

It makes opening the quests and sharing them so much easier. It is a QoL thing that speeds up the process like 10fold.

What exactly constitutes a Classic Andy now though? Classic goes from Vanilla to Cata, it’s become a meme in itself. Even the Classic+ crowd can’t agree on what Classic+ would entail. Maybe I’m a classic Andy, I was never in the “no changes” crowd, I just wanted the old pre-cata world back and would’ve even been happy with it on retail.

I love Vanilla>TBC as classic and that’s about it. Once Blizzard introduced Phased questing and those ridiculous vehicles in Wrath I was slowly heading for the door but stayed for Naxx and Ulduar, when the Jousting tournament Trial Patch dropped and they brought in more daily quests and the Dungeon Finder I was gone and didn’t really come back until Legion (I may have dabbled in the expansions but I never played to the same extent or level as before).

Loot tokens, repeatable grind quests and adding gear to rep vendors/token vendors instead of updating the quest rewards and dungeon rewards killed SoD for me. I got two characters to 50, one horde, one alliance, got pre-bis on one and had a look in ST and said F-it, I’m done.

People will flame and ask “why are you still here?” and the answer is I still want SoD to succeed, but moreso I want to see a Classic+ in the future that learns from SoD’s mistakes so I will still passionately express my view on these forums in the hopes that it might get noticed and noted in a meeting as to why so many people are dropping off.

Lmao hot take


I had my classic wow toon moved to tbc and deleted from era so sod is an easy fix. All the xp buffs it’s an easy way to get that toon back when they move it to era in a year. But otherwise I haven’t been too impressed with this season. Still having fun though doing the classic quests and grind.

We dont care?

Incursions are genuine cancer.


There is no Classic+ crowd as a coherent group. I’ve seen some deluded Era-Andies suggest that SoM is what they wanted out of Classic+. SoM! LOL! These people literally cope that SoM would have been a “smash hit if only it released later”, it’s wild. Era-Andies should be arrested and deported to Era and have their forum credentials revoked, but oh well.

What an incredibly bad faith response to the issue.

Wow you wanted an endless chore of daily quests to grind to kill the game, go grind islands in retail.

See it takes zero thought.

I like a lot of the innovations of sod, loved blood moon, and I didn’t even hate ashenvale .

But incursions are just a huge miss that takes away from classic in that people detach and don’t participate in the world of the game and would rather mindlessly DO CIRCLES and have an addon help automate the TERRIBLE system.

It’s objectively just bad for the economy of the game. Low skill low effort massive gold injection. People will point to falsely “but the raw gold farms!!” Which never were so easy, widespread, and profitable as the incursions were/are.

I understand you wanted the same retail formula shoved down your throat where you can mindless run circles in the same new “content zone” of the patch and repeat dead uninspired quests.

But most of us expected better.

Actually I know I mention retail but retail in DF was actually amazing for the cool stuff they did. For me to even insist to go back to retail wouldn’t do incursions the justice of really calling them out for the sheer amount of lazy work, design, and lack of testing that they were.

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