I shouldn't be forced to PvP

It’s not that hard to play games while having kids what a crappy excuse

I can’t tell if Rdf is serious or just really committed to the bit.
Either way he’s my favorite poster.

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Just don’t go to a pvp server?

I literally don’t understand your point. Are you implying that you MUST play on a server with streamers? That’s one of the silliest things I’ve heard here, and without it everything else you said falls flat.

There is absolutely nothing forcing you to pvp.

Rdf is one of the known trolls of the forums lol. Just report for trolling and move on homies.

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Sounds like he should play skyrim.

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Get gud gg

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You didnt explain in your OP. You just said they were popular. Popular server has absolutely nothing to do with literally anything. What does it matter if you are on a popular server if you cant even get out of westfall without getting ganked 1 time and then making a forum post about it? You are just a degenerative dad gamer who wants to be around streamers but at the same time only is capable of solo questing at lvl 12 while complaining on forums. Literally nothing is stopping you from rerolling on a normal server besides the non-existant FOMO of being on a realm with streamers who will never interact with the random lvl 12 whos stuck in westfall on the messenger quest.

Oddly I can get this on a populated PvE server too. Check it out guy.

Geeze, I need to get to work, I’ve only 2 cats …

This is a completely desperate grab for attention. Even more so because you stuck it under the hot topic sod category. The pve servers for sod, last I checked, were “full”. Your complaint that they’re not popular enough for you would be moot even if that wasn’t the case but it falls even flatter because of it.

Secondly, my literal dad was capable of solo questing at his own pace and has made it to 23 without my assistance, on a pvp server, despite starting a month after release. So even within THAT context of people who have more limited time to play this whole rant you’ve posted still simply denotes a skill issue.

Despite the fact that I don’t think you play the game I will close with a: “if you spent as much time playing the game as you do trolling the forums with your nonsense you might become good enough to overcome the challenges you’ve highlighted.”

Grobbulus players always come in with the wall of text that most people wont read. I can guess that it said something along the lines of get good and anyone could play this 20 year old game easily.

Just a guess.

Why didn’t you just roll on a pve realm :joy::joy::joy:


It’s a PvP realm, PvP is going to happen. It’s not forced, it’s what the server is for.

According to what history? I’ve only ever played PvE realms and they are always loaded with people.

No, they are not. Streamers are bad for the average player/non-streamer-follower. Only streamer minions believe streamers matter or are important for the game.

Play retail.

It’s a PvP server. You’re not being harassed.

I’m on Chaos Bolt which is medium population, and every zone is still full of people.

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I know I’m part of the problem bumping this, but why are people still replying to this troll’s posts?

Because I was bored while on the toilet.

Plenty of streamers play on normal servers. The warlock content creator is on Hyjal, I happen to play over there too. In today’s WoW, you don’t need to play on PVP servers at all to do content and quests. I’d server xfer to a normal server so you can do your preferred content comfortable without interruption. Dungeon and Raid ques are not based on your server so you can literally do all PVE content joining random groups and guilds. Just find out which ones have high populations and xfer. Happy hunting!

If historical servers are pvp then why by the end of classic is majority servers 99% of one faction

You’re not alone in your sentiment. Far from it.

However, maybe if everyone who shared it rolled on a Normal server to start with, population wouldn’t be an issue?

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Nobody cares, dude. Reroll on a normal server. You clearly know what the problem is. Q_Q some more.


If normal servers are unpopulated, and pvp servers are populated, wouldnt that mean the majority of people like wpvp?

I myself am in the same position, fulltime job n kids. I play ONLY on pvp servers because i love it.