I shouldn't be forced to PvP

No, I didn’t ignore anything… I just don’t care.

If you don’t wanna be forced into PVP, go play on a PVE server… that’s the nature of PVP servers, that’s said with no hate… it’s just the reality of it.


no one is forcing you to do anything… dont want to pvp then maybe this version of wow aint for you? retail exists, HC classic and normal exists, wotlk classic exists, take your pick.

Don’t feed the troll.

there’s no way this guy is serious.


Then stop playing lol. Go spend time with your wife and kids. Also there only a few servers so people are on at all times.

Maybe try a one player game then. I don’t think WoW is for you. Its pretty well known for being life consuming, lol. Don’t think I have touched grass in a couple days since theres amazon/uber available in my area lmao

There should be a hidden shadow ban you get when you make a post complaining about X game feature is bad because you have a job and kids. Guess what buddy, everyone has things going on in their lives and we all make choices and set priorities. If you don’t want to choose to spend more time in a video game then don’t play it and leave us in peace.

Also complaining about forced PvP on a PvP server is just… lmao.

The always on pvp is why the servers are so popular.
This just in, local azerothian fiscovers water is wet, find out more at 8.

If they put War Mode in, the PvP servers all die. People play on PvP servers because they want to fight other players out in the world. It makes the world dangerous.

Getting wrecked is a motivator to get gud. Nothing to be ashamed of either. Has nothing to do with how much time you have.

If you don’t enjoy the journey, the destination doesn’t matter. I mean… what was the plan right? They killed you and stopped you from doing a quest? Who cares. The quest isn’t going anywhere. Didn’t get to do your dungeon? Who cares. The dungeon isn’t going anywhere. None of the PvE stuff in the game even matters.

What are you gonna do, print out your DPS meters and put it on the fridge? That’s depressing.

Stop and smell the roses, even when they’re growing from your characters cold dead body.


Play on a PvE server.

Also try to join a Dad Guild, i’m quite sure you will fit right in :smiley:

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There’s a PvE server. Make a character there.

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Most people DO NOT agree with you in this thread. You must be trolling, because I have never seen somebody this thick and I play retail

Sounds like you should play REEEETTAAIILL

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You have literally 5 likes to your OP - and there are over (at the moment) 100 posts, the odds are (and I’m not taking any time to add these up for unique likes/dislikes) over 99% do not agree with you.

I couldn’t disagree more!
As someone with a full-time job and kids, you don’t hear me complaining about how hard the game is, that’s how it’s supposed to be! The frustrating things are what make this game a classic.
Whenever somebody complains about it, I suggest they just play modern wow. All of the whining, all of the complaining, all of the enhancements to make the game easier, that’s all in the modern game. If you can’t take the heat, STAY OUT OF THE KITCHEN.

If most wow players do not pvp, then pve servers should be the most populated.

None of the reasons you gave excuse the fact that you’re playing on a PvP server.
I hate being inconvenienced, and I enjoy the structured PvP way more than the zerg, so I switched to the PvE server, although I really thought the PvP event in Ashenvale was going to be something more than it is… There are so many people on that server, I have no idea what you’re talking about with finding people to play with and the economy.

This is the stupidest thing I’ve seen so far today. You joined a PVP server and don’t think you should have to PVP? Go join a normal server dude.

What is your suggested fix for this? To disable PVP servers and only allow non-pvp servers so that your feelings don’t get hurt?

Definitely do not do what RDF is asking. That was the worst idea ever implemented, as it takes away from the PvP aspect. Part of playing on a PvP server is the fact that you want to actually do PvP, even if that means ganking lowbies or getting ganked as a lowbie. RDF should go play a version of WoW that already has a lot of the features he likes implemented. Posts like RDF’s asking for nerfs to the core part of the game PvP are ruining the game. Speaking for myself, I like SOD because its nothing like Retail because Retail is absolute trash in my opinion.

I like how the wording in this post is him constantly trying to assert that a he is forced to play a pvp server. There are plenty of non-pvp servers with a high enough population that you would literally never know the difference. Servers were literally built with exactly the rules you want. It is not blizzards problem that more people want pvp than don’t.

Maybe, just maybe, part of the problem could be solved if all of you weirdos who roll on pvp servers just to complain about them switched to a pve server and stopped contributing to the (nonexistent) problem of them being “too low population”

Shut up casual dad your voice should not be heard because your opinions DO NOT matter