I shouldn't be forced to PvP

Historically the most popular servers are PvP servers, it is where all the streamers/content creators go which is a great thing for us normal players.

I personally have a full time job and kids and being on a highly populated PvP server means that I can find groups at any time of the day, and it also allows me to have a thriving economy I can be a part of.

But one thing I hate is the forced PvP on these servers.

I cannot get a single quest done outside of my faction specific zones because people are constantly WPvPing, ganking and killing me.

Last night I had a rogue literally wait for 30 minutes until my escort quest could reach the end only to kill me and make me fail the quest.

Most of the WoW players do not PvP, we just want a populated server which is unfortunately PvP realms most of the time.

We need a Warmode from Retail or something similar because people who have limited time shouldn’t be harassed like this just for picking a popular server as it is the only populated server that can meet our time schedules.

Please consider this feedback for future tiers.


I’d say that while all parts of the game are parts of the game, you aren’t forced to do any of them.

Reroll on a Normal server.



So stop playing video games and get on with your life.


And report for trolling has been sent


It’s not possible, most servers do not have the population that can constantly run groups for content or a big economy.

It’s always the PvP ones, even back in Era/TBC/Wrath that sustain the biggest audience.

It’s a scheduling issue if we go to a lower pop.

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Have they all just stopped responding to his nonsense in the Wrath forum? Wondering why his affections have been transferred here lol.


Every topic is ‘I have a full time job and kids’ lmao


So you joined a PVP server but you don’t enjoy or want to PVP? mmhmm


I’m sorry but this is the blizzard forums, your not allowed to post a legitimate complaint here. Please enjoy your comments full of classic andys who think spending 2 hours getting camped is good gameplay!


We need to have a giant target painted on your head for all the Horde to see… :rofl:

IKR – Some how that makes them feel justified in what they are asking for… It only makes me giggle.

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Who exactly is forcing you to do PvP? Have you been taken hostage, or do you always misuse basic vocabulary words?


The server is forced PvP, how is this hard to understand?

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It’s just a RDF troll post… just make some jokes and move along… flag if needed

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He could have rolled pve server dude.

It’s a 100% non argument


I can’t, they don’t fit my schedule.

Maybe you need to stop gaming. You sound extremely busy and I don’t see blizzard changing their entire game for your needs


This wouldn’t be problem if they nerfed hunters… just saying.


Or maybe you shouldn’t work in the gaming industry if you can’t understand that a game has different age groups playing.

Some of us have lives outside of the game, PvP servers are the most full so we’re forced to be on here to get groups.

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This is the weakest thing I’ve ever heard. How does a server that is open 24/7 not fit your schedule? Do you operate outside the notions of time and space?