I shouldn't be forced to PvP

Roll on a pve server.
Problem solved.

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How’s the op not hidden yet? you have to flag these threads as they are always made up to provoke people. OP is a known troll.

Oh please this is such a silly complaint. You aren’t forced to pvp. You chose to be on a pvp server because you think you won’t be able to make groups on other servers. I am on wildgrowth and I can make a group any time of day and night. I’ve done bfd at like 3am and there was plenty of people. If your life is so busy that you need to come to the forum to complain about a non-issue; You need to stop playing and get your life in working order.

Roflmao… then don’t roll on a pvp server…yikes

very false, all the streamers are PVE LORDS, they always complained about PVP and paid people to help them obtain titles. not once since i have played since 2004 have I seen a Streamer be okay with getting railed in pvp, they avoid these serves because they know people like me, will camp them dead. IF you don’t like PVP, and want to get Quests done, play on a PVE realm like all the other streamers do, or a PVERP realm.

Bro see a therapist this is like your 10th post whining about not being able to balance your life with WoW.

Have you been on the normal SoD servers? They intentionally opened only a few so we are packed in there on different layers.

Fortunately, due to the level cap at 25, you can catch up pretty ezpz

I love posts like these. I grief people like you so you can post stuff like this. I relish in your agony. There are alot of other games you can play but please stay for my enjoyment. Whats your in game name? Server?

Hates pvp, plays on a pvp server.
0/1 brain.

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