I shouldn't be forced to PvP

go play on a pve server. end of story.

SORRY, NOT going to tailor the game for some wuss like you pal. Literally rolled on a pvp for more people than cry about getting ganked out in the world ? Then come here and post that life story ?

yeah bro spend your time with your kids, this game isn’t for you at all.

edit: 1800 forum post, he cares MORE about spamming the forums than his own kids :rofl:


seriously dude? just give it a rest already… most of the classes can gank you when you are engaged in combat. Heard of rogues? Druids? Demo? Priests?

stay on topic

Yea i get what he is saying but its a pvp server. Go I ng to ratchet is near impossible on alliance and they camp sfk as well but hey its a pvp server got to take the good with the bad


You’re allowed to play on a PVE server my guy. No one is putting a gun to your head.

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Ah yes… i too was held at gunpoint and made to WSG.

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Wild Growth normal server is a thing. Stop lying and whining.


Bro there is litterally a pve server.


Want to know what I did when my kid was little and I didn’t have a lot of time for WoW?

I didn’t play :woman_shrugging:


We do not claim this man as the alliance, someone else can have him. Get off the game you are a grown man crying on the forums about pvp on a pvp server. Grow up or kill some boars somewhere safe. You want changes that will effect everyone else when you probably wont hit 60 or will quit.


Is this real? I read it a couple times…

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I play on a non-pvp server and its quite populated. Give it a try.


no one is forcing you to play on a PvP server.


Transfer… jexus christo the entitlement is thick

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I see you complain so much on forums. Just go away, play a different game. Players like you ruin the game.


You must not get paid for any job requiring a brain. If you join a PvP server, prepare to get ganked out in the world. Join a PvE server or stop crying on the forums.

You are not forced buddy.

Reroll to NORMAL PvE server. It’s Wild Growth btw.

Iirc the pve realms on sod are big enough to form groups

Discovery is so focused on pvp that it has ruined pve for some classes and players.
Nothing new here. PvP has always ruined things for pve players. That is why PvP are hated so much by pve, and that feeling of being forced into pvp when you have no desire to do so… We wish pvp players had that feeling as well, but they can never feel that can they.

There are PVE servers for people who don’t want to PVP dude… this is just classic wow with sprinkles. You don’t get to toggle here and PVP imho is the best part of classic.

You totally ignore the fact that nerfs are made to pve for pvp reasons. The ashenvale and bfd raid are tied together so if you want to pve that raid many feel forced to pvp as well.

They are not seperated.