I shouldn't be forced to PvP

People take his whinging seriously.

lol ridiclous post. “Most of wow players don’t PvP. But for some weirdly complicated unknown reason the PvP servers are more popular than the PvE one.” Your logic is weaker than my 5 years old niece in pre school. Get you retaily ars and idea out of here.

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Why not flag them for being dumb instead?

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Because RDF only causes drama, so he’s a net negative.

So basically you argument boils down to, “my favorite streamer plays on a pvp server, therefore I am forced to play on a pvp server”.

Go play retail.




It’s not Sunday yet. Come back later.


Theres low effort trolling and no effort trolling and then theres this thread

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They have PvE servers. They are populated. Play on them—it’s the exact same system as War Mode, but without incentives for flagging.


He’s a Dad, Dad’s can’t re-roll servers :joy::joy::joy:

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Human-Troll. I know should move along but

We do. Right click your icon, pvp on. pvp off.

Yes they were but that doesn’t mean pve server are small. For SoD Wild Growth is full. I hear Lava leash is liked.
Heck, retail pve server I played on was full and had stuff going on all the time before warmode was added.

I miss when forums had a dislike button.

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You joined a PvP server 
what do you want? Blizzard to convert your server to PvE? I don’t understand this post.


I know you’re a troll, but in case others might agree with you:

If your “schedule” doesn’t allow you to play the game you want, and you think changing the game for everyone else in order to fit your needs is a good idea, then you should find a different game.

Try taking up Fortnite with your kids. It’s pretty popular right now.


You’ve gotta be joking, right?


Don’t feed the troll, flag and move on

Haha, can’t stand the game mode but still, it calls to them like a bird footed siren who isn’t really a mermaid at all but more like a harpy if you actually check.

The Season of Discovery forums are the place to troll? must be the poppin’ game mode

The sad thing is, posts from PvE players rolling on PvP servers and not understanding PvP DOES happen is what started war mode in the first place.

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You don’t even play the game

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The PvE servers are very popular in SoD. Seems you just created a little box for yourself and then put yourself in it.


Play on a PVE server.