I shouldn't be forced to PvP

I am on a non-streaming/content creator server and there are TONS of people in LFG and Trade chat, grouping, raiding, dungeons, etc.

This doesn’t solve the problem that only PvP servers are populated.

Its world of WARcraft not world of bunnycraft

If you wanna play weak version go play retail the option is there or the pve option.

Classic pvp is a driving force in a atmosphere that allows for danger… taking that away robs the game of an essential key element that makes it unique.

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youre saying that nobody likes the pvp ruleset while also complaning that those are the only really populated servers enough to meet your “needs”.

dont see the irony in that do you?

anyways just cause you have other commitments doesnt mean the game stops and makes way just for you.

if you dont like the pvp just roll on a normal mode server. maybe youll find that people play the hours you play.

dont make the mistake thinking that the world has to cater to you because of your own choices.

It’s populated because of content creators.

Reporting for trolling. Don’t roll on a PvP server if you don’t want to PvP. It is in the name.


I don’t believe that this is a problem that exists, but one way to solve this would be to give monetary fines to people who complain about PvP happening on PvP servers, and lock their accounts until paid.


i dont think thats totally the case.

but whatever. there are pve servers with a decent population to be sure.

youre choosing the wrong server if you want to avoid pvp. this isnt retail with warmode and i hope it will never be.

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How is this not a problem when most people agree with me in this thread?

Then manage your life or make sacrifices. You say you have a life, but you sure sound inexperienced with it. Everything isn’t going to fall into place for you all the time. Stop whining and asking others to do things or fix things for you.

Especially in a video game that is on it’s 5th iteration of itself. Grow up and stop using the “I have a life” excuse everytime something in "your life " doesn’t go your way. Especially when you spend more time on the forums than in the game itself.

New Expand? World of bunnycraft coming soon…

Well, I suppose it depends on whether we define problematic things scientifically or democratically. If we decide to decide democratically, and most people do indeed agree with you, then you’d be correct.


Just tell us you want to be on servers w/“influencers” and “content creators” and “streamers”, period.

If that is your thing then just admit that - and stop all of the nonsense about "i have a job and kids and dogs etc.

Why people get into the “influencers” is beyond me.

Go back to pve realms. You gotta go back.

Ill tell you why theyre not populated, because WARcraft is about pvp and pve is boring!!!

Why do ppl keep falling for this dudes post lol. His name is friggin RDF

man you must have a lonely life, posting troll threads day after day

I like how everyone has finally caught onto OP’s bullcrap.

RDF posts more troll bait posts? I flag.

There’s no need to trash this comment. It’s not a stretch to insist that the whole world revolves around OP’s schedule.

Case in point: Of the 12 electronics associates at my local Walmart, 11 of them are unavailable on weekends. This means that the department is empty when most shoppers are in the store.

It is becoming the way of the world.


I need something enjoyable to read at work and these are funny.

When did sarcastic humor die?