I shouldn't be forced to PvP

How do they not fit your schedule?

This will not end well for you.

Dad gamer meme generates comments.
Opie lives for that. He’s busy hitting refresh and breathing heavy.

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That’s completey irrelevant

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I said it in my OP:

It’s up to you to manage whatever tradeoffs you’re making, I suppose.

Based on what you said here:

It sounds to me that you really don’t like the PvP server ruleset. Of course, it’s your choice where you decide to play. Historically, throughout Classic progression servers, there have been Normal servers that have been well populated, from what I can tell.

I don’t personally play on them, because I like the PvP ruleset. I enjoy walking 30 minutes through Ashenvale to respawn into a full raid of the enemy faction, and just repeat that for the duration of the Ashenvale PVP event, because I got separated from the raid for a moment.



Your job, kids, “streamers”, “content creators” has zero to do w/the server not fitting your schedule. You’ve given no real reason why a server that is operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year (less 1 or 2 hours maint) does not fit your schedule.


this is a parody, right :expressionless:

I shouldn’t be forced to pvp to kill other players.

My wife has 4 boyfriends, 7 daddy’s, and 13 cats

where am I supposed to find time to kill my enemies between cleaning her bedsheets and being forced to leave the house for 18 hours a day.

Fix it rito


No one who plays PvP server does, that’s why even on Whitemane and other PvP servers that are popular very rarely do people WPvP.

It’s not fun, it never was.

No other server has the same population for grouping as the bigger PvP ones.

Are you sure about this?

Don’t forget the kids have a hamster. No wait my bad, they have a Gerbil

I have friends on some of the non-streamer servers and LFG chat looks bleak during the times when I can usually play.

That’s the problem here, we’re forced onto these servers and can’t leave because of population issues.

Play on a pve server or go back to retail, where you can opt out of warmode

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Warmode should be in SoD, plain and simple.


I mean, to be fair, it’s people who don’t like the PvP ruleset, don’t have fun, refuse to roll on the servers that were literally made for them, constantly ask for the Normal ruleset to be applied, and complain all the time that ruin the experience for themselves (and unfortunately as a side-effect of this, for others, too).

At least that’s my opinion. You’re free to roll wherever you want and enjoy or not enjoy whatever the experience is. You claim to be an adult, with children no-less, so clearly the responsibility for this falls on your shoulders.



Retail boy, go back to retail. Keep classic classic.

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And another troll thread.

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It’s scary that people this stupid have kids.


Please stop posting garmuck