I seriously want a delay for SL

I agree. It’s not ready and won’t be by the 26th.

Vrak apparently doesn’t since Activision-Blizzard owns Activision publishing, Blizzard Entertainment, King, Major league Gaming, and Activision Blizzard studios.

Argue semantics all you want. Blizzard is owned by Activision-Blizzard.

Ever since ESO got away with getting people to pay subs, then a year later went F2P on counsel, and then said “that was always the plan”, which means they released an unfinished game with a subscription and used that money to finish the game. Ever since then Wow has taken the same path on Xpacs.

I agree the massive outliers can be reigned in… however my concern is how many times will players swap covenants (which they’ve made timegated) before they get tired of being punished for trying to be optimal? Thats a real concern to me.

I kind of hope the “optimal” changes so often that the min max crowd just leaves forever. That FOTM hunting, and all the toxic behavior they comes with it, would be very good to be rid of.

As long as the variance between best and worst is 5% or less, the real impact will be largely player skill/gear. They’ve managed to get all but necrolords within 7% of one another, 2% if venthyr receives a small numbers nerf, in the context of balance druid.

It’s obvious that they sincerely intend to balance stuff, and as long as they continue to try, and don’t just go “well, guess X is the best” for all raid tiers, I won’t care.

I’m in support of this, but I also suggest 2years content 1 year maintenance mode so clearly biased :smiley:

Fotm rerolling and optimization of your spec/class are two different things. We’ve been playing this way since BC. Its not changing. Push all of those players away and you will kill every competitive crowd in this game.

I’m sorry but thats truly some ignorance on display. If you think pushing away everyone who cares about their performance will make this game better youre delusional.

Edit: I’m glad balance druid is close for you. Reality is for other specs between ability and soul binds we have up to 20% variance. They won’t get every spec and every option within a marginal amount that is offset by real word variables. It should be obvious by now. They couldnt with azerite,essences, or corruptions. Not magically happening when they then release 3 different variables at once.

it’s not semantics… it’s how things work.

blizzard are still blizzard.

activision aren’t calling the shots when it comes to WoW.

You clearly haven’t paid attention to what’s going in blizzard. Actvision has moved in, they are affecting things… and people who work/worked their even reported as much.

Blizzard of old is not this blizzard.

Looking at the above statement. I’m really starting not be able to stand this level of duplicity. 16 years now, and its always the same argument from the same group of players. When have they ever been right or told the truth? They are chronic liars and it has cost us about 5 million subs at least.

No smoke? They have built multiple new systems in SL, The conduit system in particular was suppose to be the tuning fork for balance. Only that they made a system where one structure is suppose to balance 32 specs. No smoke? So when you have to nerf a conduit because it has to much synergy with on spec, then it nerfs 4 other specs that didn’t.

Every single new system that has been made in SL has major flaws that have not been fixed. Classes have huge issues not even touched. You think a 4 second CD on pet summon for Hunters is not smoke? Or that Hunters mark gives a 5% damage buff, but has a 20 sec CD? That’s not smoke either? GT_O!


You know, that’s cool and all, dude. But you can’t really test a system that crashes your computer or it is so bugged you can’t continue the content.

i just want to let you guys know I got pretzels

share! :pretzel: :pretzel:

It’s nothing like Mage Tower. Not as challenging and nothing comes close to the boss mechanics from MT.

I completed all of the Torghasts layers, all the wings to max level, same for the Twisted stuff and I have no epics.

Took more out of me doing MT by a mile, Torghast is pretty casual.

It needs a timer mode quite honestly.

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Honestly would not mind seeing Blizz postponing Shadowlands just so they could smooth out any systems and and crush any bugs that are there.

You guys are on crack

A delay would be devatastating for a playerbase starved for new content

PP has barely enough content for even one week, much less month(s)

However I too am scared for Torghast and Maw. Every system they have introduced that is soloable, ultimately turns out to be crappy

I don’t know if I can support that. One reason I don’t like M+ is due to Timer. I don’t like rushing things.

You need to do all the wings to get a legendary per week right?

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Those people would stay and could handle a few more months. Who is not going to stay are the people who re-sub to find the game not worth playing and promptly unsub just like they did in BFA when the subs fell off a cliff just a month or so after release.

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I was one of those people. Didn’t even make it to 8.1. Point taken

It seems like a gigantic hole to have dug for yourself if you are Blizzard though. Pretty sure there is zero chance of a delay