I seriously want a delay for SL

I know. unpopular opinion but I can’t get my head around it dropping in 26 days.
it doesn’t seem polished, very rough.
give it 2 months delay. December release but pre-patch soon. this way we get the new class changes, new content, and new dailies while we wait for shadowlands.

:partying_face: it happened!! woot! pre-patch October 13th while date of release is a little later.


Are you in beta ?? How are things there right now ?

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for me personally im not happy with the maw and torghast. many people see my side on the maw specificly but dont for torghast.
edit : realized i didnt really answer your question. yes i am in beta. things are strange see above for reason.


I was hoping Maw and Torghast will provide mage tower like experience.

its a mix between visions and mage tower.
where mage tower where specialized bosses you fight, torghast has specific fun utility/ abilities to murder all the trash packs.
mini bosses are fun tho. hope they get more ruthless when you climb.
in comparison to vision. i fear for the madness after the 90th run.


I’m seeing some of the play in it and it scares me. BFA didn’t have nearly enough testing.

It feels like Shadowlands has had less for what they’re offering.


They are too much inspired from Fallout 76 :stuck_out_tongue:

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If Shadowlands bricks my computer, we have some problems.

If only there was a beta and some PTR stress testing and balancing talked about on Wowhead dealing with balance issues and them actively talking about it. Then having everyone on the Beta actively testing and making sure things work properly instead of using it as an excuse to know raid fights ahead of time so they have an excuse to yell at people who don’t know the boss mechanics on day one.

If only Blizzard did that!


open the flood gates then.
get the people in who are dying to be good test piggies.
i still dont think 25 days is enough time to actually recieve feedback and digest it accordingly if they even did.

If only they had an alpha build and are working on stuff right now being discussed on various WoW news medias like Icy-Vines, Wowhead, and MMO-Champion.


I think that would be a nice compromise.

very confused…

There’s 2 weeks worth of daily quests in the prepatch content, and you want to be doing that for 2 more months?

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The true release versions of each expansion is its final content patch

yes. because i believe the class changes, new leveling expirence, and dailies+zombie+world bosses would be a nice appetiser before the main course… to give the steak a little more time to cook before taking it out.

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It’s not as if Blizzard hasn’t been listening to feedback. I’ve been keeping up with it throughout Alpha and now Beta. I also play on the PTR and on Beta to try to offer as much info as I can about bugs and feedback as I possibly can.

I find that many of the complaints about wanting to delay the expansion are from in many cases from people that haven’t even once tested out any of the content on Beta or the PTR. I’m not just randomly saying that as conjecture, I’ve seen many people admit that they get their information from someone on Twitch or YouTube randomly.

If you have access to test out Beta and the PTR, create a character and try to do your part in helping them to make changes as you feel they should.

I’ve seen them making plenty of sweeping changes based on player feedback. They are constantly making tuning changes, which admittingly is happening pretty close to release date.

I don’t feel that a delay of release is going to be necessary and even if it was, I don’t feel it would make that huge of a difference. There’s always going to be tuning issues when you use this many systems. It is what it is, the only way to get it right is to have people to test it and play it in a live environment. That’s the reality of it.


Except last I checked, the “ghoul invasion” was nerfed to the ground. Maybe if it was wanton chaos for a few weeks, that would be tolerable.

WBs have what? 2 drops each… killing Nathanos over and over once a week for 2 months would be boring fast.

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I seriously don’t want a delay. I would rather new content even if it has problems.


i dont believe tuning will help us. the maw and torghast being main issues ive had while doing beta.

keep in mind, there’s still fun to be had.
keeping the dot rolling well after the invasion for example.

yes agreed. dailies, leveling, and class changes help that issue imo.

i don’t think that’s healthy for the game… but I respect your opinion.

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