I seriously want a delay for SL

Delay still better then unfinished buggy product.

it’ll for sure drive me away. im not waiting for two months. bfa is hot garbage and i just want to play wow and experience something new already. i know blizzard wants my money and others money so waiting would hurt them for sure.

Not to mention their game is always a laggy mess, but for some reason the crown shop is always running smooth and getting new things added :wink:

In other genres it’s worse. In FPS/BR games the devs release an unfinished product and use streamers to overhype the crap out of the game, and then they spend months fixing it while saying it’s “early access” while raking in money from a cosmetic item shop.

WoW isn’t at that level of low now, but it seems some people just can’t get over the fact that this is no longer a “it’ll be ready when it’s ready” company.

How about you don’t play for 2 months and come back after?

If what we are seeing on beta is what we are going to get at launch I forsee Shadowlands failing massively. There needs to be some major changes between now and then. Covenants are an absolute dumpster fire right now.

I opted into beta years ago. I would love to be in there testing and giving feedback, but for whatever reason i always get passed up by some content creator who is only there to make youtube videos

Shadowlands is at least 6 months behind in development. Covid-19 really screwed the pooch man. If they were to delay it until it’s ready it would be April 2021. Since that would cause a meltdown, largely because BFA is so grueling and dead at this point, Activision has no other choice than to just launch it at the promised release date.

Delaying until December wouldn’t really ameliorate the issues you’re about to encounter in Shadowlands.

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Nah fam let’s not…

Why? Blizz wont fix anything in 2 months.

SL is already most or less confirmed as a flopp as far as I’m concerned.

Its like it just went into alpha in terms of bugs and problems.

Isnt the maw supposed to be unpopulated and barren currently, and will become more so as the expansion goes on.

I feel like I remember them saying that. It’s going to be a changing area.

Wish granted. SL launch has been delayed.

i mean they did exactly what the op suggested.

And so the prophecy was fulfilled. Raventune is the chosen one.

Is this an unpopular opinion? The moment they announced the expansion is going to be delayed twitter practically celebrated the news. Sure you have a couple of folks demanding their subs refunded, but they are far and few inbetween.

i wish to say thank you all for coming. glad we got the delay.

Once a company is a certain size…if they make a claim that the product will be released on day “x” it damned well better be released

What they are saying the delay is for…is crap lonnie boy has been scoffing at for months

Hur hur hur we pull duh cord hurhur i dun raided 10 years ago me smaaaaaaat.

When has Bliz ever cared about balancing? please…point it out to me, I have yet to see it.

Theyve been claiming covid didnt slow things down. Lonnie boy ignoring complaints for months. And the talking head who made the statement today said come hell or highwater there would be no delay. So yeah. They screwed up, down, sideways and 4th dimensionally.

I mean…lets face it bets been like a constipated guy on the toilet. He pushes and pushes but given more time you still are going to end up with the same pile of feces. But. By all means polish that turd.