I see why premades are so prevelant now

Your bordering on tearing a muscle again with that stretch

Far from it if you have to break up into groups of 5 and que drop instead of having everyone in a full raid and que up that way.

What makes it unfair?

Nope, you just need to answer questions that are asked. I know, difficult, but try your best.

Is this your go to when you have no other rebuttal lol? I’ll accept your concession there.

Can they do it? Are they enjoying the current system more than you are?

Stacking meta classes, more healers, better communication, target calling.

I have. But of course, you missed the point.

Clearly not as much as they could be given how much whining inemia does about having to sit there for 10-15 minutes dropping before you can get a successful sync.

Not really I mean if they really wanted premades there it wouldn’t take much effort to go back to the previous system that allowed premades to raid que before they got rid of it.

So, all the things which pugs refuse to do. Got it.

How is that unfair? Why are you not able to answer this question?

If pugs have classes randomly stacked, randomly more healers, they communicate better and target call, would this also be exploiting? What about 5 mans? They can do all this as well. Are they exploiting? And what if a premade specifically doesn’t do those things? Are they no longer exploiting?

The foundation that all your ideas lay on relating to this topic makes zero sense. It’s not well thought-out at all and it comes off as a tantrum from someone that simply dislikes premades.

You’re not making one – both Blizzard and the rest of us can see that quite clearly.

That’s doesn’t answer my question.

I’m asking you if they can do it and if they are enjoying the current system more than you are.

I’ll answer this for you – yes, to both of them, which shows the system clearly favors them over you. And Blizzard is okay with that.

And if they really didn’t want premades, it wouldn’t take much effort to get rid of them.

That’s why that “logic” has failed you every single time lol.

That’s because this is all their argument is.

And as I’ve told you it’s cause blizzard likes playing the middle.

The newest interview they said “endgame for everyone” in other words people who like group content and people who don’t.

In Venturi’s PvP interview they said “we know there are people who like queuing up by themselves as evidenced by solo shuffles success but we also some people like playing with their friends our goal is to give you both options”.

Sure it’s possible just like it’s possible to hack someone’s bank you just to jump through a bunch of uncomfortable hoops cause it’s not intended.

Yup, which is why it’s getting perma-ignored by Blizzard.

They’re not in the middle though. One side clearly has it worse than the other lol.

And it’s your side. Blizzard is okay with your side having it worse at the moment. And that isn’t going to change at this rate if you can’t even construct a somewhat convincing and coherent argument.

You are banned from using analogies lol. You do not understand how to use them.

One side having it worse atm doesn’t mean they are against them if they were they would just remove solo content.

Yes it’s been a long hard struggle since wrath to get this crusty old player base to get with the current times. First with lfg then with lfr then with solo world content then with titanforging then with solo shuffle and blitz.

But slowly we’ve made progress despite the group players whining every step of the way.

Yes it does, that’s why they’ve let that side remain the unfavorable side for… let’s see… 20 years?

Why else would Blizzard continue to ignore you for years despite your constant complaining? You think it’s just by chance that one side has been favored for 20 years?

I mean idk the horde is the unfavorable faction right now you don’t see them just removing them now do you.

Something being in your eyes “unfavorable” doesn’t mean it deserves to be removed.

Many times it’s not even unfavorable like lfg was a drastic improvement over sitting in a city spamming chat for 30 minutes.

Solo shuffle is a far quicker path to PvP rewards than sweating it up in 3s for instance.

… because they are allowed to pick what other classes the queue with? should they all hop in voice together? This is such an insane thing to say lol

I have… tired of repeating myself.

Just you. Blizzard has stated they don’t want you guys doing what you are doing.

Of the communities that I am a member of, I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone require certain classes. The vast majority of time, the response is “Play whatever you want to”.

The game has voice built in, they could just join the channel.

If I may interject about Blizzard not wanting premade groups happening. They did break OQueue a long time ago for this very same act.

Is there a way to break countdown queing when its done manually? I am genuinely uncertain and cannot think of many reasonable actions they can take.

Just my 2 cents while I’m at work.

Sure bud… whatever excuses you need.

They broke oQueue, because it was automatic.

Manual queueing is fine, just like Multiboxing is fine, so long as it isn’t automated.

Cross faction queues. It would decrease queue times, and allow the game to spread healers out better.

1 idea I had was implementing a system that would give you stacking deserter for missing or dropping a que. that resets every 2-3 hours. Some people who actually miss a que might get caught up in it but it would hurt que droppers a lot more.


I suppose I didnt know the story in its entirety. Thanks for the clarification.