I see why premades are so prevelant now

Which isn’t required. So it isn’t an integral part of the process.

It is or else you would never drop queue.

Do you think dropping a queue is against the rules?

Again, you can’t really comment on this because you are incapable of following an argument, much less judging the merits of someone else’s.

Terrible analogy is terrible.

It is if you use it to exploit.

There is no argument.

No, it’s pretty good analogy, kind of like blaming guns for people dying.

They are both arguments people use to obfuscate away from the real problem…. Themselves.

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How do you exploit by dropping a queue?

Yes there is, and it’s the reason the other side is being listened to while yours goes perma ignored.

Both of those are horrible analogies and in no way even remotely represent what’s going on here. Try again.

By using it in a way that gives you an unfair advantage.

What? You’ve finally cracked.

Simply knowing when to queue is enough to make it work.

Dropping queues, doesn’t really mean much.

How so? Do explain.

Well given every time you do it a game starts 10v40 I imagine something like that can’t be intended.

And how are premades being listened to? I don’t remember the last time they implemented something in this game that encourages cooperation and premades.

Like I said cooperation both in the world and in game is on its last legs.

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If something is not required, it would not be done.

But it does, because you are using it to do something not intended by the game.

Drinking alcohol isn’t required to live, so it must mean people never do it.

What’s an unfair advantage? How are people gaining an unfair advantage by dropping a queue?

Because they’re false equivalencies. This needs to be explained to you?

Whether it’s intended or not doesn’t mean it’s an exploit or not. That’s not how Blizzard has ever defined what an exploit is.

Because Blizzard is ignoring your arguments in favor of theirs? Not really too difficult to understand.

Actually it does the opposite it kills you faster for short term gratification.

Well at least you provided a horrible analogy for Bloom to use as reference.

By getting a larger then intended group size into randoms.

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If they were on their side why not just remove the 5 player cap?

They have not changed the system in favor of premades they’ve just left the one they have in place which premades are circumventing.

What’s an unfair advantage? Did you not answer that portion because you don’t know what an unfair advantage is?

Because they don’t need to? Why would they if people can already do it anyway? Why waste the time?

They’ve left the one they have which favors premades – that’s because your arguments are incomprehensible and unconvincing.

Getting a raid in by queue syncing is an unfair advantage… I swear I need some crayons for you lol

Maybe don’t use words you don’t understand bud.