I see why premades are so prevelant now

It’s simply cause pvp in this game is just so dead.

Now that i think about it if pvp had even half the same participation as pve in this game que syncing would be completely impossible.

But nobody does pvp in this game cause its kind of a meme compared to even the abject worst moba’s or fps games have to offer so anyone who wanted real pvp went to those games. And pve content in wow is mostly without rival.

So what we have in randoms and pvp in wow is people at 35 maybe higher. in rating and age who have something to prove but cant quite cut it in the pvp games everyone actually takes seriously.

It’s a vicious cycle you have the 35’s who run everyone new out of trying pvp which keeps population dead which means they have a easier time syncing to repeat the process. It all makes sense now.


Bottom line is population/players are decreasing. One reason why cross faction BGs make a lot of sense going forward.


its bc playing with pugs is miserable

they dont do objectives
they do less damage than a lvl 10 critter
they dont time warp
they stink

its a breath of fresh air to Q with all the homies who actually play, after solo Qing with the smelly poop pugs all day long

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This is why I don’t believe you’re as young as you claim to be. You’re likely over 35 yourself.

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Sounds like a sweeping over generalization.

Thats like me saying every premader is a keyboard turner and backpeddler. Which i have seen some of them do btw.


Yep PvP in wow is in life support. This is an ancient game dying of old age and having poor leadership take on water since 2016…sinking ship poor captain old boat


It most definitely isn’t an over-generalization.

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dont you get tired of defending yourself with a flimsy blue-post? you guys arent real pvp players and should be given your own forum to chat in and not in pvp forums. you arent real pvp players. you are exploiters with no integrity


Don’t care. Facts over feelings. Blue posts are facts.

Cope, seethe, mald etc.

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Ok Ben Shapiro lmao.

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Aren’t you an Andrew Tate fanboy? Those in glass houses as they say.

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I agree with some things he says. Not everything though

Unfortunately many people think just cause you agree with some things someone says you agree with everything they say and do.

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Yeah that is usually the case with the dregs of society that happens, which Tate is.

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You say facts over feelings yet use your feelings to deny facts…


The person exploiting in a video game calling a rich guy the “dregs of society” is so funny HAHAAH

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It has nothing to do with how wealthy he is.

It’s all about how he’s repulsive and rancid.

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It’s just his use of “dregs of society” that made me laugh because you guys are cheating in a game lol


You guys aren’t just “queueing at the same time” so idk why you think that’s a “gotcha”. But people that need to exploit to win games aren’t going to be honest anyways lol

Yes, we also press other buttons in the game.

I suppose Rogues are cheating if they press a button called “Stealth”, if it causes the thing it says on the button.