I see why premades are so prevelant now

When the arguments run out, they start the attacks lol

Ok? You are still dropping queues if you don’t get in together. You are still exploiting the queue system to get an unfair advantage. Accept the facts and move on with your life.

No, not all the time, it is incredibly rare to need to.

Accept that we’re not cheating and learn to play instead of complaining.

You could explain it to him like a 2 year old and he still won’t understand that everything done, BG commander or no is within the confines of in-game systems and thus within TOS.

Doesn’t even require a blue post.

Not exactly difficult.

Step 1: get everyone in discord

Step 2: crack sex jokes

Step 3: break everyone into multiple groups of 5

Step 4: countdown and have the leaders press at the same time

Step 5: drop the que if you don’t get the same que

Step 6: rinse and repeat.

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You are still doing it. Doesn’t matter if it’s not all the time.

Well, you guys don’t have one so of course you make this claim lol also trying to claim people are children with your post history is super ironic and hilarious

You should explain it to your friend that’s sabotaging your side with their misinformed takes lol.

Ah, so they’re doing one, two, click, right?

Yeah and then.

So, it isn’t required for syncing.

If it isn’t a part of the process required for syncing, then this:


Great, so not against the rules, right?

This doesn’t involve science, math, or reading so I trust that you can figure this out.

Then you would never do it.

Nope. It’s funny you only put that part as well. You never add the

You don’t just do a countdown.

You might tear a muscle reaching that far without stretching first.

But you’ve been stretching logic the whole thread so.

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If dropping a queue isn’t required, then what else do you think we’re doing?

This is hilarious considering the amount of goal post moving it requires you and Thaedreu to have a sliver of an argument.

So close, so very close. You’ll have to work a bit harder I’m afraid.

The correct answer was no, it’s not cheating, as we’ve confirmed it’s just a 1,2, click, which the blue clearly states is not against the rules.

Your comments on other’s people logic will not be taken seriously since you’ve proven time and time again that you can’t even follow simple conclusions.

So, you never once drop a queue, right?

No. But it isn’t required, it’s actually quite rare.

It’s nearly horde o’clock! 1 for invites! :stuck_out_tongue:

And as I’ve stated a que drop following it.

This kind of argument would be thrown out in a second in a courtroom or anywhere else where people can see obvious stretching.

Like I said before “ I didn’t run over that person… my car did”.

“I didn’t drop the que I just missed the que”

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So, you drop queue… if it wasn’t required you would never drop queue.