I see why premades are so prevelant now

So you claim but inemea videos show different

Different how? What are you talking about?

Do you mean auto role check?

nope they don’t do a countdown or anything.

How would you know? Their chat is covered, like almost all streamers do.

Because they do it instantly lol they don’t have time for a countdown.

How long do you think it takes to type 3, 2, 1, go?

What’s even better, is most of us have macros, so we don’t even need to type.

LOL prove it.

He’s on his delusional pills again.

BG Commander just does auto role check… it doesn’t automate the queueing process.

You still have people countdown queue either in Discord or in community chat.

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You do realize that people could use the exact same queue sync methods without this addon, right? The add-on is simply QoL.

Do you even know how queue syncing is done lol?

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Go back to your main account lol

Yet no prove can be provided…

Right, so you don’t lol. How can you call it cheating when you don’t even have the slightest clue how people do it?

This is likely why Blizzard is ignoring you on this.

Nah not really she has lost 85-90% of the games I’ve been against her not in a premade.

As I’m sure many premaders would when they have to rely on individual girth and not a 4v1.

I’ve understood that why premades exist is so that a group of unimpressive people can collectively potentially add up to a Gigachad.

Instead of just being the gigachad themselves.

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Exploiting is cheating. Blizzard does not allow raids to queue into random bg’s by going around that restriction you are exploiting.

You keep making this claim but it’s yet another thing you have no proof on.

I am on my main account lol

You play the most braindead faceroll specs in the game. Terry Schiavo and Hellen Keller’s love child could play a ret paladin or dh in PvP.

Spoken from a Druid?

And I’ve not been on either of those specs all season I’ve been playing dk.

Well druid is a bit more complicated than pressing the W key and PvE’ing people.

Well let’s see. How long have you been complaining about this?

Ok, and still you have no idea how queue syncing is actually done which is why it’s hard to take any of your arguments about it seriously.

So, I had to modify my macros so they wouldn’t broadcast to all the communities that I am in, but here you go…

I can even share the macro which queues too…

/run TogglePVPUI()
/click HonorFrameQueueButton

You have to select the correct battleground manually at the start, otherwise it defaults to random battlegrounds.

Zero need for Battleground Commander.