I see why premades are so prevelant now

That’s to old to apply buddy sorry.

He doesn’t care about those lol

Or the 2019 post saying that it isn’t cheating…

That one doesn’t say what you claim it does.

Only because you’ve decided that dropping a queue on rare occasions is somehow required for synching.

It’s pretty clear this conversation has devolved into premaders denying the legitimacy of blue posts condemning them and venerating ones that some what validate them.

Cause the post by Greg street was immediately disregarded by them and they went and sought out a way to continue premading so clearly when the blue post disagrees with them they are the first to disregard it.

It’s no where near as rare as you think it is.

You agreed you still did it. Don’t move the goalpost bud

I do still do it. On rare occasions. It isn’t required for a successful sync.

Face it, dropping queues is not an integral part of premading.

It’s queueing at a similar time which makes it work. You don’t even need to queue at the exact same time.

Just knowing when to queue is usually enough.

Then why on Inemias streams does he drop 2-3 ques before finally accepting one?


I don’t know. You would have to ask Inemia. Different communities may have different thresholds.

The ones that I am in, which are the only ones that I can speak about, generally don’t drop queues.

Which means that it isn’t required for premades to function.

The simple fact is blizzard does not want large groups together in random bgs. You are ignoring that by doing what you do.

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That what we do when we queue together is not cheating, and there is nothing you can do about it.

Your impotent screaming into the void is funny sometimes though.

Given the matchmaking system actively tries to split premades and put them against other premades I don’t believe you.

Hey that’s fine but don’t believe you are trying to help the PvP community when you are really just acting in your own self interest like anemia.

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Where do you get this information from?

From my experience, it tends to put groups together.

Projecting lol

Exploiting is cheating according to blizzard. But keep gaslighting and lying it’s really helping your case.

Because it’s mostly premades left playing bud. Everyone else quit.

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Good thing that what we’re doing is not exploiting or cheating, then, isn’t it?

Must be time for you to join us then.

Like was the original statement in this thread que syncing is only possible cause very few people are left playing.

If population increased syncing would be either impossible or very difficult.

You are.

Now why on earth would I do that?

Where did I ever say that I was trying to help anyone other than me?

We already know you are a narcissist lol