I say this with love: give FFXIV a shot while you wait for SL!

I do not want to argue for the sake of arguing, but I’m curious about your taste in MMO’s. Also the information you’re running on right now is completely outdated, as the game has an unlimited trial now and allows you to play up to level 60 on all available classes - which is not insignificant, as that gets you through what many consider to be FFXIV’s best expansion.

If your only complaint was that the game was slow then I would completely understand as the leveling experience definitely does not do much to fix this until you get to around the early 30’s, but that you found absolutely no redeeming factors makes me question, at what point did you try the game?

It’s a weird game when it comes to grouping but it’s not like a moba.

Planets are open world and hold a lot of people, it’s not uncommon to find 5-6 people in one area or 10+ people doing random pop up activities.

You are never forced to group up with anyone, you can play the entire campaign and do every activity in the game, excluding high level end game content, solo.

A normal fire time size (party size) is three people. The maximum size for hard activities is six, but you can have up to 10 if you want.

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I enjoy WoW, and I liked GW2. I found Wildstar boring, Archeage was fine until I discovered micro transactions owned the game, DC Universe Online (is that an MMO?) was good.

I mean…I have enjoyed more than just WoW, I’m not a completely blind fan girl. Not that you insinuated that at all, just a statement.

And I know the information is outdated. I tried the game I think last year when Twitch Prime gave me a free month of the entire game, and it was all the rage with my friend group so I wanted to join them and try it out. There wasn’t a single thing that made me enjoy it, I was bored the whole 15 hours I tried.

Honestly - I need to finish Borderlands 3! LOL I know you can already group in Borderlands games, but I would love that as an MMO (if you can’t tell by my name).

You really should look into it!

I will admit, it’s more of a shooter than an RPG. However, it’s MMO elements are AMAZING! It has enough RPG elements to make it feel like an RPG but not enough to make it feel like a grind. And, in the shooter part of it the gun play is top tier and super fun.

I know it sounds like I’m fan boying and I sort of am. I played Destiny 1 for one month, didn’t like it. I played Destiny 2 at launch for two months, I complained every second. I randomly picked up Destiny 2 again when I quit bfa around a year ago and I have been playing the game NON STOP. It has problems, same as WoW but for all the problems it has it’s such an amazing game.

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This really is a non-issue with FF14. Alts really are not much of a thing unless you want to play on multiple servers. Since one character can switch between any class/job they have unlocked, there is no need to make a bunch of characters to try everything.

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No, I already tried it and didn’t care for it.

I need to start it!

I have so many friends that want me to play and I should stop being lazy and just pick it up.

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No. I dislike the FF lore and art style.

Don’t take that personal. Just don’t expect everyone to like it.

Thank you.

The only other reason to have alts is to quickly try different classes at low level and see what you like. So I have some casters, a “hunter”, and the “paladin-esque” class, but I got addicted to my pugilist and it was all I wanted to play.

I tried… I really did. But at the end of the day I found myself realizing I was just doing more collect X and kill Y quests and thought to myself… Why? Why do the same thing again?

That and… I really really don’t like the UI. I really don’t like the feel of the combat. I see myself hitting buttons, and my character performing actions, but I can’t really feel like I can link the animations to the actions. Just breaks my immersion of feeling like I’m in control of my character.

Also, I’m one of those weirdo’s who likes cat people, and am tired of getting judged for it.

I truly like a lot about FF14, but the issue is its a single player game for like 500 hours until you reach endgame. Thats just not a good MMO imo, i’d rather play FF7 remake or like, any other host of amazing single player RPGs that do it better.

I did enjoy the group content, as sparse as it was, when FF14 launched, but now its just an AoE fest. You have all these very niche abilities as a Paladin and the truth is you can just press your 2 AoE abilities in dungeons because they nerfed integrity out of the game. The stats were changed to be bland, classes have been homogenized, CC is no longer needed, focus targets are no longer needed, dungeon mechanics are irrelevant, they went the Retail WoW route and when it comes down to it I played FF14 to get away from that idea and Square did the same exact thing, so ill happily not give them my money until they go in the direction they were during Launch/Heavensword.

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it truly amazes me that the global cooldown, storylines, and reading are most peoples’ draw backs to this game.
i guess i just have patience and reading is good for you
it keeps your brain sharp
i love FF and will play it forever
i also love WoW and many other games
i refuse to commit to one game until that perfect game comes out
you know with action combat, awesome housing, and a great cash shop full of not pay to win items
but that may never happen


Oh I’m sorry, there there. You drink that all up. We won’t speak of the northern brew of goodness again.

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They have recently revamped the ARR experience from what I’ve been told. I ought to level a new character and see how fast it goes now.

I played FFXIV for about a year. It has it’s good qualities, but also aaaalllot of bad ones. First of the game is oversaturated with quest. It takes literally hundreds to thousands of straight fetch quest just to get through content. The combat system is very dull compared to WoW. Pvp in FFxiv is, a joke? The only good thing I enjoyed about that series was the crafting system. Pretty amazing the whole profession idea etc. I feel that mmo is more for people who want to fantasy roleplay and don’t have much concern for gameplay, raids, pvp etc.

Waking up to find my post has been reported as abusive or inappropriate is quite interesting indeed…

Sorry for sharing a game recommendation while we wait for SL :man_shrugging:

I have one in my guild house but thats not the point. We are talking about houses. There are much better ways to handle that system then having people spam click a sign for 24 hours against piles of other hopefuls. They could just draw lots like a lotto.

Any experience with the PvP? Is it objective-based or mostly arena?

It’s a joke - objective based and not balanced in any way nor does it actually perform very well. PVP in 14 is an afterthought.