I say this with love: give FFXIV a shot while you wait for SL!

tried FF14 before. the RPG elements are fun, but holy hell I absolutely hate being stuck doing a main story quest line.

like isnt there a way to pay to skip it? it’s so bad that people actually pay to skip it.

I wanna do the quests I want to do, not be forced down this stupid chain that doesn’t even scale. No fun in it.

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Final Fantasy is cheaper, better graphics, better profession leveling scheme, one character can be any and all classes but-

Very choppy and slow attack rotations, and not an inch of pvp worth mentioning.

EDIT: And YES the main quest line is absolutely miserably long.

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Last time I played, I don’t think they had flying. Plus it’s anime feel just doesn’t do it for me.

I regret buying my way through the story, the game is just as boring after

dang I should have responded to your post instead, can confirm people pay to skip the story. I am one of them, and it is NOT worth

Preaching to the wrong crowd here. See as majority of this player base is American, they have come to accept that garbage is good. Like American coffee. It’s crap, not like our Timmies to the North. But Americans will scream that they have good coffee…only it’s not good coffee.

Ffxiv is far superior because the Devs listen to the player base when they say something is not fun or right with the game. WoW devs just give more borrowed power it seems and keep broken classes.


As someone who has loved WoW since vanilla. Please do not waste your money on Ff14. You will regret it. It is not WoW and completely different.

I’ve loved WoW since vanilla, and I also love FFXIV. I quit WoW back during Legion to play that game and have thoroughly enjoyed it for over 4 years. The only reason I’m back in WoW is because I like the concept of Shadowlands and want to see how it plays out. But I still love and play FFXIV.

The point being that you can love and play both games :slight_smile: There’s nothing wrong if people want to give FFXIV a try. The games are definitely different from each other, but some people may find that they like those differences.


No thank you.

I don’t want play male characters that look like women.
Also their male elves look really…fairy type…kinda like blood elves.

Leave my anti hurt idiots, morning potion alone.

I tried it and liked quite a few aspects of the game compared to WoW. Due to my long association with WoW, I did have two characters, and when I found I couldn’t mail items from one to the other I walked away from it before it got its hooks into me.
I know if the two were in the same free company I could work around that, but a mail system that excludes your own characters seemed too stupid to adequately describe.
I didn’t like being forced into dungeons all the time either. Unlock flying for that zone? Good system but there’s a dungeon to be done and WoW had torched me too many times to want to group up, at least at the time.

I keep wanting to like it because of the giant fat cat mount, but I just can’t. It is the most boring MMORPG I have ever played (and I played Eve).

If any of you folks who criticized the GCD changes in WoW migrated to FFXIV which has like a 2.5 second global… I see you.

I’m never going to get past the anime art style personally and I’m never going to pick up an MMO that lacks fun PvP but you do you.

Do you actually happen upon other players in an open world? I had it in my head that it was largely single player but you could party up with others if you invited them which wouldn’t really sync up with most people’s definition of an MMO.

Yes, running around Destiny 2, you run into other players all the time. Some spots are in fact swamped and it’s not rare to see a sort of WQ turn into a massive 20+ man brawl against a massive world boss.

It works mostly like WoW, except that it’s not a seamless open world.



Seriously, it was one of the drawbacks to FF14. So. Much. GD. Reading.

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I’m going to have to look into that game again, then. Sounds really interesting.

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Tried it but really didn’t like it. If I am going to play another game it is usually ESO.

It’s not a bad game at all. The crafting and housing go hand in hand and work very well. Dungeons and raids are engaging but for some reason that game just seems to drag on and it feels slow. I’m not talking about the GCD in that game either, you’re pressing way more in there than you do in WoW, it’s just that crafting, questing, traveling…all of it just feels slow.

Like I said in the other posts as well, the main community there seems to be a bit too snowflakey even for me. WoW’s is much more grizzled and can take a joke.

People here keep talking about a 2.5sec GCD in FFXIV

  1. At low levels in WoW (currently) you may have few abilities and the ones you have can’t necessarily be spammed.
  2. It may be the FFXIV class. I never noticed a lack of choices on my monk/sam (lvl 55-ish) in FFXIV because of any GCD and felt I had too many choices if anything! The pugilist line also requires a LOT of situational awareness so I probably didn’t think too much about a GCD and more about where my toon was positioned.

As for snowflakey community? I don’t know. I left the “sprout” chat because it was just like trade chat. It’s not that I’m offended, but if I join a channel for help I expect people to get help and not trolled. It just seemed useless to me.

I thought Destiny 2 was more like a moba in grouping? You get randomly placed with like 5 people?

I started playing ESO again at 8.2 release and went straight to this zone and loved it. I also enjoy that when I finish storylines in ESO it’s not just to unlock another grind. I can do their dailies whenever and they aren’t locked. That said, I don’t play it for end-game content - that can be another grind. I play it when I want more of an RPG in my MMO.

You do realize you don’t need DBM - that all bosses in WoW telegraph in some way? I wouldn’t even use DBM, but my raid group demands it.

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This is 100% not the case.

It does depend on if whether or not you like Final Fantasy games, because for all intents and purposes that’s what FFXIV is first and foremost - it’s a Final Fantasy game with a linear-presented story. It does, however, give you plenty of content all the way until you get to end-game.

They have since improved the 1-50 experience to have less filler as of the most recent patch. I at least encourage folks to run trial accounts to try it out since the game allows you to play up to level 60 and the end of Heavensward with the only few restrictions including not being able to join guilds (Free Companies).


And BfA gave plenty of content. But I found it boring so I didn’t do it.

I’ve always thought Final Fantasy was an overhyped amalgamation or boring tropes and designs, so that definitely didn’t help. But I gave it a good week long try of about 10 or 15 hours playing. There wasn’t a single, positive or redeeming experience I ran into in that time, and no way in Hell was I going to pay for it if a 15 hour demo on a free 30 month trial wasn’t enough to capture my interest. So I wouldn’t say it’s 100% not the case; I even said that the game left a horrible impression on me, not that I believe it’s an objective fact.