I say this with love: give FFXIV a shot while you wait for SL!

Sorry, I meant in Destiny 2. We veered off-topic a bit.

I mostly do PvP same as in WoW.

The PvP is great but has an extremely high skill roof.

The majority of the PvP is casual and you can enjoy game modes like control, capture the flag, search and destroy and they even have fun rotating game modes every week.

But just a fair warning, they community is sweaty. The classes are very well balanced but the guns see constant updates and tweaking. There are people so good at the game they have 3.0 - 4.0 KDs. As a new player and even a good FPS player they will destroy you. If you want to play ranked modes you will run into these people.

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Sounds awesome tbh. Not the sweaty people lol but no community is perfect. Thanks for the tip, been looking for something to scratch the itch for a while.

Speaking of looter shooters, I enjoyed playing Division 2 up until max level. Then the world changed and whooped my butt.

personally don’t understand the hype for FF games anymore, the art style always kinda hit me the wrong way and it looks a lil too flashy. Though I do hope people keep playing it so Blizz kicks up the quality a bit