I resubbed for one month to warn about the Kidnap Meta (which will continue next expansion)

In the original post that is about the most non-meta meme comp that there is and they made it work.

its called a strategy and it has counters.

I understand not liking something but to call it griefing is kinda silly


It isn’t a griefing issue it’s a bad team issue, why are they not supporting the priest with slows, fears, cyclones, etc?

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“It isn’t a griefing issue it’s a bad team issue, why are they not supporting the priest with slows, fears, cyclones, etc?”

Because that requires them to abandon battleground objectives. To kill two BDKs, to rescue a priest, you would have to send three dps.

Now you have 1 healer slot and 3 dps slots in the corner of the map.

By the time the BDKs are dead, the objectives have been lost.


Not really a simple cyclone, followed by a ice trap and your good to go.

Did you watch the video?

I am pulled from the doorway of the hut at Waterworks into the far side water in under 0.1 seconds. Over 100 yards.

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My boy Winterz, LOL he is pretty good at this but I still blame your team and you all from the get go were already annoyed by the two DKs before the rated battleground even started.

eh, its a blood DK, they have trinket, stun immunity and magic immunity… CC’ing them isn’t trivial, neither is killing them. There’s also a reason they kidnap people into water, how far you think you can swim in a 6 second cc? probably not longer than the range of a death grip anyway.

Yea its possible to escape with the help of others but kidnapping players and pulling them to the corner of a map during gameplay isn’t fun for the gripee and I highly doubt it was the gameplay blizzard had intended…


Even in a non-RBG setting it’s pretty OP

I’ve seen Mortality abuse the crap out of it in Ashran games, he mostly spams deathgrips on AA but I’ve also seen him pull the “kidnap” stuff with healers. Enfers too.

And with that Ashran PvE book they even get an extra charge of deathgrip (total of 3 available grips), so if a BDK is spamming grip on you it’s almost impossible to even get back to your team… if you’re getting multi-gripped by a BDK you’ll basically be “stuck” in the enemy deathball unless you have something like Pally bubble or Hunter turtle

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I don’t know? But the way their team was raging and name calling made this video entertaining, they lost that battleground before it started.

Because we already knew it was lost before it started. Hence why I recorded from the very start.

Im not the best BDK, but I have utilized abduction of priests, and lots of other specs, to pull them out of los of objectives and teammates, it is effective. You’re quite correct that it works best on specs with no instant mobility.

Is that enemy Ret not currently dying in the team-fight? Well lets take the happy little right hand of god and snatch him away and chains of ice him early and often so his effective damage becomes 0. Oh the enemy priest is pushing in for a fear? Yonk, come with me miss priest, we are going to the tree line now, you might live for the rest of the game but you will do it over here with me a hundred yards from the closest player.

The slightly less toxic abductions are for the purpose of killing the player by taking them away from their team and the objective, but towards your melee dps, but then they die and just rez. If a healer wont die, great, they dont get to Rez and be where I am not.

I dont play BDK now, but yeah it can be enjoyable in a way that feels toxic AF.

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and yet it is still not considered griefing. getting pulled using in game mechanics is not griefing. could it need nerfing? sure but i wouldnt consider a class using its kit as griefing. thats what train really cant understand.

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op wut happens if ur teem went gm insted of ww

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have a teammate switch to blood and boom like cancel like. the dk cant mess with you if he is being messed with. a one for one trade. even better if they is a better blood dk and the other team have to draw people away to deal with them

Then you get gripped in the water at their spawn.

Doesn’t matter what map you’re on. The water only makes it happen sooner. It will happen with or without water.

For instance, in EoTS, they’ll jsut grip you near edge where they spawn, since there’s no water, it takes a total of one extra deathgrip cooldown to secure the kidnap.

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I guess take with a grain of salt for how often it is I play in high MMR RBGs anymore, and as someone who utterly despises the Ocean Man strat–I’m going to have to agree with some of the posters here in saying that if a BDK starts yoinking me out of a team fight and my team doesn’t address it, then I’m just going to AFK anyway.

All that said, I also see no harm in fixing BDKs from being able to pull someone to the edge of a map and keep them there an entire game. That is, in fact, super degenerate gameplay and if MCing people through portals was removed, I feel trapping them in place for 20 minutes should also qualify. Lol (Maybe a suicide feature instead of a nerf, however)

Consequently, if I saw a team with 2 BDKs I would take the PVP talent that LoFs 5 allies to me (if it hasn’t been removed, haven’t messed with it since it came out) to more or less force my team to pay attention. As a possible existing solution.


Funny how you paid to complain

What’s funny about it. I won’t be able to play Rated BGs for another expansion if I don’t raise awareness now.

Also 15 isn’t even minimum wage bro.

so, what stops you from drowning yourself and respawning at the GY?