I resubbed for one month to warn about the Kidnap Meta (which will continue next expansion)

They grip you up on a rock. Watch the video. I tried many times.

Even if it were possible, what makes you think this is intended gameplay?

gameplay isn’t really intended so much as the devs see what happens. the fact that you are sidelined isn’t unfair as afaik the other team needs 1 blood dk per priest, so that is an even trade of player and utility loss. the remaining game is 8v8.

Woah, did you just say 1 dps for one healer slot is a fair trade in Rated BGs?


if your team doesn’t feel you are valuable enough to rescue, then yeah.

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So dumb.

You can’t rescue the priest without forgoing all battleground objectives. By the time both Blood DK’s are dead, you’ll have lost every flag, node and cart.

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if you are really playing 4d chess, your team will have an alternate heal comp ready to go with monks/dragons/druids allowing your priests to swap to shadow in the event the enemy DKs have swapped to blood. this will leave the enemy team with two useless DKs in an RBG.

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wrong high rated groups do take Blood DKS, stop missing the point, its bad gameplay and unfun for the playerbase it should be fixed imo.

that’s not how that works sadly, you have a lack of experience and are talking on multiple subjects please stop!!

i don’t think i will.

and yet it is not griefing lol.

doesn’t matter really, if they want to improve the player experience for pvp this should be limited to so many grips or the talent reworked etc it can be a simple fix.

it is limited.

this you?

I don’t see you doing High rated pvp or testing stuff on beta or really contributing much other than your preference to something, so yes you lack the experience.

that fine im not saying they dont need to nerf. but the train dude is delusional calling it griefing.


yeah, i agree it should be nerfed for sure its in the game and it definitely makes blood viable but i can see were the unfun part comes into play, 2 grips is cool but it seems to be way more than that also getting Perma slowed.

you don’t even know how to play WSG

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Do you think it’s intended gameplay to permanently CC a priest underwater?

i think its creative use of in game mechanics. so yes. if the devs see it as a problem they will adress it. they will prbably nerf it at some point but they are not breaking the game in any way. they are using a viable pvp strat in a pvp enviroment.

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Ok right now if they gave Shadow Priests the following ability:

“Into the Void”

Removes you and another enemy player from the game until the instance is over.

Would you be ok with that?

Do you think such an ability would ever be implemented?

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if they implemented it then by definition it is intended gameplay my personal feelings dont matter in that situation. by blizzards own standards that isnt griefing.