I resubbed for one month to warn about the Kidnap Meta (which will continue next expansion)

dr on grip long overdoo


ā€œIf we nerf healers so that trading a DPS for a healer isnā€™t such an appealing choice, problem solved. IDK about you, but I definitely feel massively overtuned in battlegrounds when I heal, probably because weā€™re tuned around like 30%+ dampening.ā€

Thatā€™s already dealt with by the 3 healer maximum in an RBG.

Hence, one team losing a dps (death knight) for a healer (priest), is not fair trade.

just reading through this conversation basically your just being pigheaded. rbg is a team based strategy gamemode. if you arnt working with with your team to counter them then whats the point? if the only answer you will accept is nerf then you are on here just to host a pity party and people are calling you on that.


What is this grand vision you have. Share it. What is the counter?

You and Dreaux profess so much withhold wisdom on the subject.

Enlighten us.

If itā€™s not a counter strategy you can write in 10-20 words, then whatever that strategy is, even it works, would be passed down for the much simpler solution that the community employedā€”Get another Mistweaver or Dragon.

In the first thread on this subject (almost two years ago), someone wrote a 2000+ word thesis on how to counter Blood DK with a priest on your team. The theory was sound, assuming everyone has 500IQ.

I let them keep writing.

Then I asked them.

Given the complexity of your counter, or the simpler option of taking another MW or dragon, which do you think the leader will choose?

Whatā€™s your proposed solution to the lack of holy paladins and resto shaman in RBGs?

Because their throughput sucks.

Thatā€™s a balance issue.

Iā€™m talking about a griefing issue.

its not griefing just because you dont like it.

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if there is no counter to blood dk then why are they not meta? oh wait its because they can be countered. it just happens that one sepc is specifically weak against them. oh no color me suprised that certain classes counter other classes. NOT FAIR THAT MUST BE GRIEFING.


You are arguing thatā€™s intended gameplay?

This is not a counter.

This is forcing someone to go afk.

It is tantamount to a permanent CC.

I would like to say: ā€œImagine if they made a class and spec that was designed solely to remove another class and spec from the game.ā€

But I donā€™t have to, because it already exists.

Youā€™re also dodging the main point, on purpose, because itā€™s even been said in this thread.

DKā€™s queue and play as dps (unholy or frost). However, if a healing priest appears on the other team, they switch to blood.

Also, queue sniping groups with priest with blood dkā€™s is also a thing (Winter and Co.). Theyā€™ll queue the blood dk just for that one game.

Because of this, itā€™s Mistweaver or Dragon only.

So to answer your question, Blood DK is not in the meta, because priest was forced out of the meta by Blood DKs, hence no more blood dks.

In this sense, the Blood DK is in the meta, simply by existing as a free win vs a team with a priest. Itā€™s a such hard counter, neither priests nor blood dks are often seen.

there is a pretty long list of other things you could have enjoyed with that 15$

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While itā€™s pretty lame to be kidnapped. I think itā€™s more lame that healing RBGs is exclusively x2 revivals + whatever.


Give me your Team Comp and the Enemy Team Comp and I will be happy to try to give you a strat off the top of my head assuming that all players are of average skill level.

Or donā€™t.

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Not sure it should be called a ā€œkidnap metaā€ because there are no kids being taken. Maybe change the meta name to Priest Pinball or something better?

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Like I said, youā€™ll do the same as others, never answer the question.

Use the team comps in the video, tell me your great strategy to pull me and th4 Mistweaver out the water with the team comp we had.

MK Scorpion kill meta

ā€œthat dk hit me with the ā€œCOME HERE GET OVER HEREā€ and i couldnā€™t do anything.

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Thatā€™s a balance issue.

This is griefing issue.

Do not confuse them.

There is nothing more lame than being forced to go afk.

Using the comps in your video, your game was over before the gates opened. They are running 3 tanks. and 2 healers with some hard hitting cleave dps. Your comp is built on stealth and quick response. If you took a base from them the chances are you would still lose the other two and if they got 2 bases they would pile into the 3rd. The 2 healers are mobile enough to break off and shift to another base if hit with by a group but you would be sacrificing 1 base to flip 1 base.

In that Video they kidnapped you with 2 BDKā€™s. It actually gave your team an advantage and they couldnā€™t take capitalize on it. In the past I have seen a Paladin negate a kidnap with a well timed BoP and a grip with a friendly priest.

It is a sound strat on their part only to be countered by a heavy ranged dps comp. You being kidnapped had nothing to do with the outcome of that match.

Your comp might have been better in a ToK or a CTF (maybe) match. I would have kept you with the main assault group and if I sniffed a BDK targeting you or trying to pull you away I would have had the rogue shift to him with blinds, stuns and disarms in order to let you escape. That is 100% chalkboard theory and there is no way to tell if it had worked on a forum. Application of the theory is always subject to player skill.

Now, let us give you the benefit of the doubt.

Everything you said was correct, for the sake the argument.

Do you think me being forced to go afk underwater is the intended gameplay experience?

For the team that came up and executed that strategy against you then yes. Your team did absolutely nothing to help you.

Do you think that if I cap 3 flags in TP with 0 Healing and 0 Damage because my team had the other team pinned back was intended game play for them? Absolutely not, but for us it worked out as planned.

Do you remember when DKā€™s would Gorefriends Grasp an entire team onto a Shaman at the Lumber Mill and the Shaman baptized them in the waters of Lake Minnetonka for an easy no contested cap?

I will concede that the group you faced has a leader that has been around for a long time and has experienced teammates. They arenā€™t scared to try new strats and more importantly they arenā€™t scared to lose. RBGā€™s is all about executing your strategy and stopping the opposing team from executing theirs. They communicate well and it shows. I am not sure if your team is a Regular Group, LFG Yolo or a Discord Community. Regardless, if you arenā€™t adapting, you are losing.

This Kidnap Meta that you are trying to make a bad thing is not a bad thing. It works, just like Druids and VDH work as FCā€™s and Stealthed Classes make great assault classes.

It might not be fun for the Priest but neither is having a base flipped by a Druid/Rogue combo while guarding a base solo.

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The RBG meta is unfair and obnoxious. I agree that Blizzard needs to do more to make this mode more fun for the general population. My hope is that rated Blitz will force some changes that bleed over.

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