I refuse to level in Wrath without a Mage boost

Sounds like you should go play a different genre of game. MMO’s aren’t your thing mate. Call of Duty would be more your style.

Idk why people play this game if they hate playing this game so much. Some masochism I guess.


I thought leveling in northrend was fine. The classes already got what they needed by 70. You can go back to retail though if you like.

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I played 4 during WoW Classic. Only leveled 1 from 1-70 during TBC Classic, but also played a couple of my WoW Classic 60s to 70.

I’m planning on focusing on 2 characters for Wrath Classic and on rolling on a Fresh Start Realm.

I don’t think Mage boosting is bad for the game at all. I think it’s a very interesting and flavorful player-created solution to the monotony of solo leveling, though personally I’ve participated in, or created dungeon leveling guilds to combat this same problem (also a player-created solution).

I don’t think GDKPs are bad either. However, what I do feel is bad is making changes to combat RMT that either simply legitimize RMT (blizzard store bought character boosts) while bypassing any community socialization/interaction, or destroying the player-created solutions.

RMT will continue to exist, but removing player-made solutions may affect how people play and even their will to continue to play.

In any case, I don’t think WotLK had the worst leveling experience of any xpac for end game.

It’s been a long time since it was new, but I did level at least 5 or 6 max-level characters during the original WotLK.

With people like you on the council no wonder the games going down the drain. Imagine advocating to make leveling alts more difficult.

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yet you still gotta kill thousands of mobs to get 10 drops for a single quest, one of the worst quest designs in the game, until they remove garbage like that it wont be a good leveling experince.

Well it’s not the council means anything, its well known Blizzard only appoints people who agree with them on everything and would only feverently defend their every action.

167 comments and only 3 likes, i dont think your winning this one my guy.

So you wont take advantage of the 50% xp boost going on for 6-8 weeks?


You are confused or you remember incorrectly.

For you, sure. For other players? You cannot speak on that. In my opinion, WotLK was very very alt friendly.

Forced: I do not think that word means what you think it means.

So by your logic, you’re saying boosting is still harmful…because you just said “isn’t as harmful” which means it is still harmful. Why not just come out and say that you don’t want to play the game the legitimate way or even play WotLK Classic at all?

If you’re that bent on this topic, then maybe you might want to find something else to do with your time? Clearly you don’t have the time nor want to spend the time here anymore.

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As someone who has leveled ret paladin in og tbc and in classic tbc, I want to know who I have to kill to get to press TWO buttons?

This thread has truly baited the most basement of the basement v’s for sure.

Okay so don’t level then. No one’s “forcing you” “to essentially buy a cash shop boost” and no one’s “forcing you” to “grind all the way from 1-80.”

You are not being forced to play this game. If you don’t want to play it, don’t.

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In wrath you get more buttons and we are talking about wrath.

Bye bye!! Don’t let the door hit ya

I thought heirlooms were 1-80?

I never once advocated for making leveling alts more difficult. I know it’s hard to grasp, but you can want boosting gone and leveling be made faster. :exploding_head:

Then dont quest your 2nd or 3rd time around, use dungeons.

They do, I meant it as in “even if we’re talking about leveling from 1 to 70, you have heirlooms, […]” not that heirlooms were exclusively 1 to 70.

Imagine playing the game.