I refuse to level in Wrath without a Mage boost

Like I said, you should play a different MMO rather than expecting to get a bunch of no-effort end game toons.

Ship has sailed on most boosting. Too bad for you.

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That IS you supporting the cash shop! You are selling your time to someone else so blizzard can make $20. Blizzard WANTS you to farm gold for them. A WoW sub is only $15 but a token is $20.

If all of the players decided to no longer sell their time (gold) for game time, then the wow token would stop working.

If Blizzard thought they could survive the PR hit, they would absolutely just straight up sell gold instead of allowing you to trade your time for it.

A lot of people will just quit, no RFD is bad enough but also forcing 1 - 80 with a cash shop boost only is scummy and eventually no one will want to run alts because it’s just too much of a time commitment.

But it’s 20/20 hindsight at this point, you’ll see it when it happens :man_shrugging:

It literally takes like 3 hours a week to get gold for 1 month of time, I get what you’re saying but it’s not like you’re doing some insane grind lol. Once you get a gold farm down it’s super simple.

? you’re the one crying about not playing wrath without mage boost. idk where you say me being sad. Because on me side of the screen, im laughing at your whinning post

then don’t come on the forum to change my game. i don’t want retail mentality player to affect it.

like what are you on about lol

i didn’t have a doubt about that, you’re original post was more of a reach to something that won’t get reverted

time is money friend, nothing is free in life

Nothing either of us say matters, we’re just both random forum NPCs to Blizzard. You can cry up and down, they’ll do whatever they want.

It is what it is, but I have the right to complain and you have the right to leave the thread but yet you stay so clearly you just want attention lmao

I doubt that a lot of people will quit WotLK Classic. If some retail-like players are deprived of getting boosted and quit, the remaining community will be better off.

Did you just realise this?

you’re the one making thread about quitting if no mage boost. sorry but you’re the one asking for attention here

Most of this community came from Retail and most of WoTLK will be Retail.

There isn’t a new generation of kids lining up to play a boomer MMO from 2 decades ago, the people you see here are also Retail players or old WoW fans, the playerbase is stagnant and will continue to decease over time in WoTLK if nothing is done to curb the grind.

  1. For me WOTLK 70-80 was one of the best levelling experiences because it had story and surprises and highlights. Way better than TBC or classic. That’s for your first time through.

  2. Levelling did involve a lot of quests and reputation grinds were necessary. That made it more of a chore for alts - but you could buy heirlooms and level by doing battlegrounds. On my main I did every quest - on alts got to 80 in 3-4 zones.

  3. If you’re levelling from 55 (dk) or a totally new alt - additional xp nerfs and heirlooms make it a much faster experience.

  4. The sky will still fall in, there will be bones in ice cream, pigs will be flying, and people will make profound, truthful and meaningful statements on warcraft forums.

I mean, I trade my time for the money I would (in theory) use to buy the gold too and the WoW token is pretty much straight up buying gold. Just a matter of how you want to look at it.

I’m just curious to see if people keep the same energy they have for blizzard boosts “It’s not great, but at least it’s supporting the company who makes the game instead of some third party” when Blizzard drops the WoW token into classic at some point to combat the rampant RMT.

Whether there are six healthy servers or two, it doesn’t impact me at all provided I am on a healthy server.

The problem with retail is that it catered too widely and it has become a mess. I strongly support Classic catering to old school players even if it doesn’t maximize the population.

If that means players with a retail mindset quit, I couldn’t care less.


They want money, what you’re suggesting will lose them money. They killed one method of boost to sell another method of boost to milk that money.

You have no idea what would happen to their revenue if you upset enough people by ruining the game by offering free level 80s.

100% base speed + 150% from the mount for a total of 250% speed.

A 310% mount is effectively 410%.

So in reality, while 310% sounds like more than double the speed of a 150%, it’s less than double.
It’s also why crusader aura increases your ground speed from 200% to 240% rather than 220%. Or how the fastest you can go is with a 310% with crusader aura and aura mastery on at a whopping 574% speed. :fast_forward:

OP complains that he doesn’t have time to level alts. :white_check_mark:

OP complains about blizz selling L70 boosts. :white_check_mark:

OP wants to pay mages to level his alts for him. :white_check_mark:

If you can’t level alts I’m assuming you also can’t farm gold since it’s the same time investment.

OP must be one of these RMT gold buyers he’s complaining about.

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I don’t really get it, wrath is relatively quick to level in, with way better questing than either vanilla or tbc, way more powerful abilities and class tools, and brings access to early level flying for alts and heirlooms.

It also takes like 1.5 day /played which is faster than tbc by a good margin, and like 1/5th the time vanilla took (and that’s if you where godly fast in vanilla)

OP isn’t talking about just wrath though. They’re talking about having to do 1-70 + wrath again on subsequent characters.

The hell are you on about? Wrath leveling was easy on every class… How would I know? I’ve done it, and while I won’t do it again. I’ll level even more for my current and future plans.

All the post says is “I have been spoiled rotten by mage boost, and I’m not going back”.

Don’t want to level your character? Go farm gold of retail and buy token. You can do it while AFK just like mage boosts.

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Not sure which grizzled old curmudgeon you’ve been listening to, but Wrath was when levelling got many of the bugs ironed out, became far smoother and enjoyable, and with RDF allowed players to experience all of the content on the way up, including dungeons. Heirlooms allowed less gearing issues, 2 seater mounts allowed people to play together, and generally levelling and alts became a real thing that most people did.

Vanilla in it’s initial and TBC forms was the worst levelling experience of any period. Wrath cleaned up all the systems, and Cataclysm remade the questing and zone transition system into something more people could repeatedly engage in.

Levelling (up till about WoD) was the one thing that got better as the game went on.

Here’s the bit where your whole impassioned speech falls down.

The gold generated from boosting is regularly sold back to RMT vendors, who sell it to people who want to pay for boosts and GDKP. It’s a big part of the equation, and not immune from the gold selling problem.

If boosting was happening for friends, for free, it wouldn’t be an issue.

If you only spam 1-2-1-2 on any class you aren’t leveling efficiently.