I refuse to level in Wrath without a Mage boost

Saying one issue is worse in order to justify another issue is a weak argument . Both are issues and both need to be addressed. Mage boosting is significant in the RMT issue.

No it isn’t. It’s their game and that’s not the way they want players to engage with it. I happen to agree. You don’t seem to have time to play multiple characters, then don’t. You can experience the entire game with only one.

Susanexpress sends her regards. :wink:

factually wrong, it has the best experience, your class got buffed in prepatch and plays differently now, that IS the buff. Don’t be lazy.

you don’t deserve to have those alts if you aren’t willing to put the time into leveling them, stick to one toon.

stop lying about why you’re lazy, go play retail with your instant max level characters if you like skipping the game soo much. Boosting damaged the leveling experience for every player that didn’t boost, it was an objectively awful thing for the game and one of blizzards worst failings in classic+tbc. The sooner they remove it the better.


Wrath leveling was literally some of the easiest questing there is, and had some pretty cool story lines especially in Grizzly Hills, Northern Fjord, Etc.

Mage boosting the current content…why even play? So you can hurry up and raid log?


Not exactly. You’ll need to get one char to 80 and grind the badges first. It’ll be awhile until your alts are set up with them.
Note, not saying this as support of boosting.

I don’t see the rush? Just play the game and enjoy it? If it’s your 5th time and you’re bored then don’t level it… I’m glad they’re destroying boosting, maybe we can find some actual dungeon groups now lol

That has been the sum total of effects that Blizzard has done (intentionally), and you are our “player advocate”. Therefore it’s all your fault :wink:

Well hope u find a game u can be a lazy person in. Wow dont need your kind. #onelessbuyerforboosting.

So you’re playing the game you want based on your preferences?

Neat, I’ll be playing alts as I see fit. I enjoy leveling as a leisure activity, sorry to hear you’ve bought into the notion that if it’s not max level content it’s not fun. If you want to kill the joy of a game be sure to optimize your gameplay.

They did make leveling faster. In retail. This is Classic and it shouldn’t be changed.

And yet, in the original verison of the game, people didn’t engage in wholesale boosting, and boosting services were actively banned by the live Blizzard GMs. This is an exercise in trying to fix the same problem without paying employees.

That’s not something I agree with. Third party boosters and gold sellers should be something Blizzard spends time and money dealing with. It’s really quite pathetic that they can’t devote any resources to the problem.

None of us do, but that’s Activision Blizzard 2022. Same as how removing all these ‘other avenues’ of levelling, whether it’s boosting or dungeon runs, is aimed at unlocking unlimited Paid boosts per account.

It’s ironic you think someone’s avatar means anything here.

I think he’d enjoy Candy Crush more. He can just buy his way through.

Imagine needing to cheat your way through a 15 year old game.

You make an interesting point.

Many players underestimate how important mage boosting was in keeping the game active these past 3 years. The game would very likely be dead by this point and they’d probably reconsider releasing wrath at all.

If you want to keep mage boosting and GDKPs, I’m going to need a Classic WoW token.

don’t care

Yeah, at least with mage boosting you actually have to group with and engage in some small way another player. Paid boost is just you and blizzard.

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