I refuse to level in Wrath without a Mage boost

I believe that’s 150% speed for slow flyers.

Yeah, guess my first response was the correct one. See you in Westfall <3

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I play mainly PvP, Wrath PvP gearing is far easier than TBC and is faster to get relevant gear and I want to try multiple classes/specs.

I get game time with WoW tokens, I usually farm a decent amount of gold there to last me for a while.

Exp boost is temporary and with no RFD and just heirlooms leveling will take still take an insanely long time.

Again, not everyone has time like that to burn waiting for tanks and waiting on groups to form or to do the same quest for 50 hours.

So you spend time farming gold, so Blizzard can sell that time you spent to someone else for $20 and you get a free month of game time. You aren’t just voting with your wallet, you’re voting with your free time.

Great, you can level in battlegrounds in WotLK, another option for ways to gain exp! Do some questing in between queues, and its like you had RDF all along <3

Retail gold farming is insanely easy if you know what you’re doing, it takes a couple hours a week to maintain a steady gold flow and a token is super cheap like only 150 - 200k. Not much.

Except it’s not like that all and it isn’t realistic to expect people to play through 1 - 80 with heirlooms and no RFD or mage boosting because people will just buy out the $60 boost.

Nothing will have changed, no one is going to go through that again after the first month or two cause it’s insanely boring to do it multiple times and even Blizzard knows this.

Well you’re in luck because you can actually level pretty effectively in Battlegrounds too. But also if you can’t take the 30 or so hours to level 70-80 then you’re probably not destined to get very far on your PVP gearing either.

Were you under the impression tanks are just going to magically appear with RDF? Were you under the impression efficient questing involves doing the same repeatable instead of progressing through the story? (Which you’ll have to do anyway btw…)

And… again… if you can’t find a group on Grobb in a short amount of time you must have really done a number on your reputation… Most people will be raiding by week 2. Everything will be fine (for most of us.)

I want to play end game, not the leveling game. Leveling doesn’t teach you anything, it’s just a spam fiesta of the same abilities to grind out levels. It’s boring and you shouldn’t force everyone to like what you like cause I guarantee not everyone likes leveling.

People will only do this once or two, with no RDF it’ll be a chore and plenty will just buy the boost which is what Blizzard wants you to do by removing mage boosting.

Man has no time to do groups. He’s farming retail gold for game time, he’s farming classic gold to buy boosts and GDKP. Man’s playing 8 hours a day, 7 days a week. There just isnt any time to level a character

Only time will tell. Players will always find ways to level alts, It’s just something you have to do to make it to max level. Those that really want to raid and aren’t already at max level will just grind it out the old fashioned way. Putting together groups for low level content will remain out of favor. Like yeah, we have done it but in terms of exp per hour or whatever it just is not worth it, even on a mega server due to the amount of time to travel there, find people etc. With no mage boosting, yeah, it’ll MAYBE increase the number of players that will actually group up, so I’m not saying that won’t help anything, but the removal of dungeon finder will be a serious blow to the leveling experiance as it was in wotlk, which many of us have been looking forward to for years now to have access to again.

I think what i’m pointing out here will prove itself in time. Players will get tired of not having it and eventually there will be more of a flood on here of players wondering ‘‘Hey so it’s been half of the expansion, aren’t we due for dungeon finder like before?’’ And then finding out, oh snap, apparently it’s not being added this time around at all. People just assume like originally, it’s a feature that will come in at a later patch, the majority of players right now don’t really stay up to date on all these plans the devs have and are releasing on forums.

Bruh, just take all that retail gold you farmed, buy the game time tokens, turn em into blizzard bucks, and buy a boost.

Retail gold farm takes a couple hours a week like I said and I want to spend my time having fun and not leveling, I don’t find leveling fun and you shouldn’t assume everyone will agree with you that leveling is fun.

Most people hate it and would rather dedicate their time end game which is why Blizzard even put a paid boost to begin with.

I hate leveling too. As such I have one alt at 70, and he got to 70 in phase 5. Slow burn.

What? It’s so trivially easy. 1-60 is obviously the worst.

It honestly is the worst man… Some classes are such a torture to level also.

Getting to 80 is a nightmare, i’ve done it on PServers that actually had RFD and a population queueing and even with it, it absolutely sucked and some classes have it way worse than others.

You can do it once or twice, but you can’t expect people to do that grind over and over and over and over, people will just buy the shop boost which is what Blizzard is betting will happen.

I bet most people only have one or two characters they play. I doubt most people have four or more level 70s right now, even 70s whose only purpose is to have some profession.

You understand there isn’t a level 80 boost right? So that has nothing to do with any of your points here right? Riiiiight???

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Why do you feel you need more than one character to play this game. If your time is limited, don’t play alts.
Boosts are one per account, doubt that’ll change.
Mage boosting contributes to RMT, glad they’re shutting that rubbish down.
Yes, this company wants to make profit, but it’s not the conspiracy you are making it out to be. Chill.

Gotem lol…

People will have many 70s that they don’t play each one with, they will play the one they want because it’s a different gameplay flavor and move onto the next if they get bored.

The room for variety and option is there when you can freely and easily boost up to max, it just sucks that instead of targeting specific people you just get a mass nerf to mage AoE in general in dungeons after they allowed it for so long.

Having multiple 70s is fun and even if you don’t play them all the option to swap at a moment’s notice keeps the game fresh.

Locking people into insanely long level grind will just make people quit if they get bored of their main, either that or they buy a boost which is obv. what they want you to do.

I want to experience more than one gameplay style.

Mage Boosting is not all RMT, bots are a bigger issue which will exist even worse than TBC and has yet to be addressed.

And no them removing mage boosting to sell a paid boost is scummy, it doesn’t help the community and people that buy into it are enabling a trash community experience.

I will stand by this belief no matter what, sorry.

I don’t expect anyone to do anything over and over and over and over. Getting to 80 is easy though. Maybe don’t do it 10 times?