I refuse to level in Wrath without a Mage boost

When’s the last time you played Wrath? 2009? Sit down please.

You are living with perma nostalgia goggles and you’re gonna be the first one to see how wrong you are once Northrend opens up, it’s not as good as you remember it to be.

My friend played around on Pservers. Turns out I have a pretty good memory. Sorry you’re still upset about RDF but… It’ll be ok. I promise

You know playing wrath a long time ago, I had 3 toons (that I remember) at max level… or was it 4? The leveling back then is you did quests and killed pigs if I remember right (or whatever other mob came along).

But I know the OP is a troll so idk why I’m even biting.

Also didn’t RDF not come out in wrath til like, ICC?

Well I played on it too and most people would either buy the boost than level or just straight up abuse popular exp boosts to get ahead.

The grind will be awful, it was awful back then and it’ll be awful in a couple months.

No RDF will make this 10x worse.

Yea… Because Pservers and most people who play on Pservers are trash. :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging:

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I like you. XD that was golden.

How is Classic servers any different from Private? Half the people I see swipe for gold and buy out GDKP gear, I rarely see anyone leveling and without mage boosts people will buy shop boosts anyways.

Classic is just a poorly moderated Private server with a slightly more delusional fan base, at least Pserver players can call themselves out for being toxic.

Does that really need to be explained to you? They’re VERY different populations.

What does that even mean, rofl? You’re deluded AF

Don’t skip over the rest of my post:

Not that it makes a difference, but they said it was going to be 6-8 weeks BEFORE prepatch and including prepatch. So that’s 8-14 weeks of it right there. You can’t level one alt to 70 in 8 weeks? You might not have time for any alts to begin with.


It’s gonna be crap this time around when it comes to leveling at least, and probably when most people try to even try to gear up for raiding, but that’s not because of a lack of mage boosts, it’ll be a lack of LFD opening up the queue times and pulling players together. The queue times were sometimes long even back then, with ten times the player base, now without the feature and like ten times or more less players it’s just gonna be a pain in the hoohaw. Plus the substitute system they wanna put in instead is going to open up all kinds of player made gate keeping that’ll make good ole gearscore look like nothing. Not envious at all of those that don’t realize this yet and adjust your expectations/plans on what you want to actually accomplish this expansion. I think it’s going to leave a bitter taste in many peoples mouths in the long run.

But yeah, I don’t remember boosting even being a thing back then, it was practically non-existent. So that’s def not why most of us are bummed out, I could care less about being boosted if I could rather just access to content easier on my alts. I’d rather gain less exp per hour than questing, but still be able to actually level an alternate way, it’s simply having a choice of options, one of which is more bearable to certain players than the other.

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I get people say this unironically but why are people gatekeeping alts so hard? Can alts only be had by the lifeless unemployed who can grind constantly day in and day out?

I want to make toons but can’t due to time constraints, there’s now a $60 boost I can buy. How convenient huh?

It’s almost as if even Blizzard knows their audience doesn’t want to level.

What does this even mean??

Servers are MUUUUUCH bigger in classic than they even were in Wrath. You’re objectively wrong.

Gate-keeping was always a thing. It was always going to be a thing. You’re naive.

Yeah lack of LFD is going to kill a lot of motivation for building up new chars.

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No one is saying that. You can’t come and start a thread saying that boosting should stay because that’s the only way you level alts and its actually good for the community. You even said earlier that boosting is bad because it takes all the players out of the world, and you cant find legit groups for dungeons because everyone is boosting.

Yet you want boosting to remain because you dont have the time to level an alt. If you dont have the time to level an alt, you dont have time to play an alt. No one is gatekeeping you from having alts.

So just like original WotLK, and somehow everyone made it to level cap and geared for raids.

Removing the only option for me to feasibily level an alt while keeping a cash shop option is gatekeeping me from having alts.

I don’t have time to level and many don’t, it doesn’t matter how many heirlooms you have without LFD you’re looking at a long grind and all of that just to play a singular alt.

Not only did they create an inconvenience but they made a solution and people are going to buy it, I just don’t like the hypocrisy of it all.

Boosting is not the only feasible way to level an alt.

If you don’t have time to level, how on earth on you going to have time to progress your character? I have way more playtime on my character at level 70 than from 1-70. Are you just going to join a GDKP and buy all your gear? Even then, you had to spend all your time farming gold.

So instead of farming gold to buy boosts and GDKP slots, just play your character instead

That’s Blizzard for ya. You know what they say, vote with your wallet. And it looks like you voted for another month of game time.

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That’s literally not happening. Unless I missed something… they didn’t take away the option to form groups and you’ll still get heirlooms and the exp boost.

If you can’t find a group on Grobb without RFD then that’s probably a you problem.

Just flag for trolling and move on.