I refuse to level in Wrath without a Mage boost

Using something worse as an excuse to keep something bad is a poor argument to why the bad thing shouldn’t be removed.


I would characterize myself as an average player during wrath. I did heroic dungeons and pugged 10/25m normal raids on my main and alts. I didn’t look at it as an option to not get flying when you dinged 60, especially when the flying mounts got buffed to 140% mount speed. (which we should get when wotlk classic releases) Even at 60% flying mounts are useful for skipping all of the ground trash to get to a specific quest objective - it makes open world questing that much easier.

Even when RDF was released, you still had to spend quite a bit of time open world leveling, because the time investment in spamming dungeons to max level was not worth it without the dungeon quests. BTW, the boosts to level weren’t common past scholo boost in wotlk, and even then most people didn’t do them or offer them. This is more of a occurrence that has popped up in Classic WoW because everyone just wants to skip past leveling to the end game.


How are you so black and white with everything? You have a Community Council tag yet you don’t understand how to be neutral on this, you just think both are horrible and both should be removed without even understanding why they exist in the first place and the benefits some of them can have.

Without RFD and no mage boost this will 100% be really crippling for the community, not everyone has time to grind levels like that and for you to not acknowledge that shows how biased you are on this topic lol

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CC isnt a forum moderator. She doesn’t need to be neutral on a topic. If you see the threads she starts, I feel she does an adequate job posting the reason for the post, and then appending her own opinions at the bottom.


So can anyone just sign up for it?

I understand why they exist and it’s not a good enough reason to keep either of them around.

He, but yes, you’re correct, CC members are basically just players that are more active in the community or with a background that covers many aspects of the game.

I don’t know if the sign up are opened at the moment, I signed up in October or November last year and only got accepted a few weeks ago.
But yes, anyone could sign up for it.

Again, then don’t. Buy the 58/70 boost and make a 55 DK. You’ll have 3 characters above level 58 + 50% XP buff.

At some point either you play the game or stick with 3 characters which is already plenty enought for someone who “don’t have time to…”


So what would you want ideally?

People just to level 1 - 80 raw with heirlooms and some occasional XP events?

The average population are working class people, they have jobs and not everyone will do that due to time constraints.

With no RDF, you are forced to sift through LFG for hours which only makes the grind even worse and with a paid level boost you will most likely still not see that much participation in low level zones.

The buff is temporary and with no RDF it’s going to be an insane time commitment to get each of those 80.

Time is far more valuable than anything else and they know that which is why they nerf mage boosting which saves the most time to just straight up selling that boost themselves.

58-70 with a 50% XP buff won’t take “a lot of time” the buff work on everything even quests.

Or, if you really want to get boosted and make sure you don’t play the game then get boosted right now. The change isn’t effective yet.

Not everyone will level 3 different alts back to back in a 2 week grace period lol, most people will level a single main to get it geared and eventually run alts far past the buff period.

RMT happens more in boosting than it does in GDKP.


I think this is a fair point.

I also think you’re missing a key component of Classic: you are content for other players. Making dungeon groups requires you to run dungeons. Making group quest groups requires you to do quests.

Mage boosting helps no one but yourself and, presumably, the RMT goldseller who is boosting you.


I won’t disagree that RMT does happen in boosting, but I also think it’s not as big of a gold generation than the thousands of bots that go unchecked daily that free to mine, gather and manipulate the AH.

That topic never got touched but they’ll affect something like mage boosting first because they actually can control that situation, it shows how rampant the botting is that they don’t have a solution.

I think that this is one of the components that not everyone will care about, TBC especially has shown again and again that the only thing that matters is gear and parsing and min/max culture is going to take full swing in WoTLK as well.

The Community is going to play what’s optimal and do what’s efficient even if it means disregarding other players and that’s happening right now in TBC as we speak, I don’t see that changing as long as Blizzard maintains zero pressure on the rampant botting and RMT that happens on a far greater scale than mage boosting.

If people don’t have time to level with XP boost and the conveniences of WotLK, then they won’t have time to play that many alts at max level. I have 8 level 70s that I leveled without boosting and I benched 3 of them because it’s too much stuff to do.


They should. If they want to prepare WOTLK they should do it right now. The 50% XP buff is here to let people level their remaining alts to 70.

I have used probably around 10-12 mage boosters.

After about 10 runs they ask for your discord to boost you for real money instead of gold, or to sell gold back to you.

XP boost is temporary and not everyone will rush multiple alts in the 2 weeks it lasts, most will be focusing on a main.

And furthermore I think if people want to make max level alts for whatever reason they want, they should be able to do it without feeling like they have to undergo a massive grind every time.

If I main a Druid and want to go Rogue, I don’t want to have to go through everything I just did on my druid for another 50 - 60 and even longer hours depending on class and how many groups are in LFG to be able to climb it out.

Removing it and forcing people to level is going to make people less inclined to play the game if they get bored of their main, again not everyone wants to grind all of that out and that’s something you should understand and respect as well.

Not everyone will nor will they care about it, and they shouldn’t be penalized for missing a 2 week event when most will be busy doing other things on their main lol.

And what does the 2 week event have to do with my post? Once that’s over we’re back to square 1 where people will just buy boosts instead of leveling, that’s going to still exist.

I’ve seen this but i’ve also seen some who don’t do it either and some who are geared high parsing mages who just need extra gold to GDKP on their alts.

It ranges.

False. These are all very much intertwined.

We have one account-wide boost to 58? When WotLK hits, we’re probably going to get one account-wide level 70 boost and a DK boost. It’s not that big a deal. It’s also not feeding into the black market of gold-selling, especially with them cracking down on primary ways to exploit content for gold.

This is wrong, there are more bots than mage boosters who actively destroy every server’s economy.

A majority of RMT gold is not coming form mage boosts and to think that is absolutely insane lol

That type of extremist view point is why people can’t have nuanced conversations since people can’t see the other side of it.

It does. I am just saying rmt is a bigger part of boosting than any other part of the game, gdkp’s included.

That being said, rmt and bots should be targeted directly.

Altering the game instead of doing targeted enforcement sucks for everyone.

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