I refuse to level in Wrath without a Mage boost

Good at least we can agree on that they’re bad but what’s your issue with Mage boosting in particular?

I know many people complain about not having gold to do GDKPs and thus not being able to gear, those people can just level a mage and do boosts themselves for a faster gold income than doing dailies/etc.

I think encouraging players to provide a service to others while benefitting themselves builds a better community.

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Mage boosting is, simply put, not playing the game.

The equivalent of bringing your own lunch to the restaurant.


Sounds to me like they gave you game content to play for days and days… lol

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I understand that but don’t you think the paid boosts are going to do the same? Most people will opt for the most convenient option when faced with the grind, it’s not like many people will populate the lower level world when they will most likely just buy a 70 boost instead.

In that regard I just feel like there’s no harm being done by mage boosts, it’s the same thing essentially but one benefits the community and the other benefits only blizzard.

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Wotlk from my experience was one of the most alt friendly expansions. Sure 1-68 was a bit of a slog but the required xp (especially being in patch 3.3) was nerfed quite a bit in the classic and tbc zones and you have access to heirlooms which will help make your leveling time trivial at best. IIRC, you should be able to fly at 60 in the outlands, and get cold weather flying at 68 on your alt. Once you hit 80, its probably the most straightforward of any expansion to get your alt raid ready.

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Then don’t.

You’ll even get a 50% bonus XP during the pre-patch. If you don’t want to play to the game YOU chose to play then just don’t. No one is forcing you.

Btw, WOTLK was known as an alt-friendly expansion.


Or both are bad and need to be thrown out the door.

What the game needs is XP boost events, permanent XP boost increase with every tier release, yadda yadda.


People buy gold with real money to save hours of leveling by buying boost. Boosting affects the demand for gold buying. Removing boosting is going to reduce an element of demand for gold buying.

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To be fair, a lot of that alt-friendliness WOTLK was known for, came with RDF. Heirlooms helped for sure, but people leveling 2/3/4 alts wasn’t common until RDF was introduced and gave people a more enjoyable way to level. Without RDF a lot of that alt-friendly feel is going to be gone.


People leveled 2 to 3 alts after RDF came out, because there were no more content releases until cata.


This is pretty expensive btw to do this on every single alt, I can afford it but i’m just saying the average player won’t be able to do this for each and every one of them.

And time is still there to grind it out, not everyone wants to do the same repetitive quests over and over for hours on end. This is why boosting got popular in the first place and why Blizzard now sells it themselves.

I disagree that both are bad, I believe mage boosting to be better then cash shop boost but I respect your opinion regardless.

Bots still exist en masse and RMT is still moving as usual, also how are you assuming all mage boosting is RMT? Mage boosting is cheap for runs, most people can get to 1 - 70 in like 5 - 6k gold which a lot of people have from running GDKPs/farming on their main.

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The people buying mage boosting can afford it. So this is kind of a moot point

And stabbing someone once is better than stabbing someone twice, both cases are still bad.

Mage boosting customers range widely, you have some that go to max and some that just want to hit a specific level so they get their skill to go level/etc.

You can’t really pin all mage boosters/mage boostees as this like singular group of people who have the same motive when everyone uses it for different reasons.

I fail to see how mage boost is “stabbing” anything in WoW, it’s a legit service that you can do yourself.

Roll a mage, watch a YT video and you can have people pay you to farm it and you provide them a service while making gold yourself to go and gear yourself out in GDKPs or even just use for raid consumes/etc.

I see plenty of high end mages who parse well and are in respectable guilds who come and AoE farm for fun, now they can’t even AoE at all.

The fearmongering has reached a level where entire classes are affected by people lumping all the bad into something without being able to find a nuance.


Nothing is stopping mages from AoEing. They just can’t cheese Slave pens anymore and get away with it, something that wasn’t possible to do in original WoW due to the engine difference.

You’re not “Cheesing” slave pens when it’s an actual mechanic, and the “original WoW” is not Classic either which you should’ve realized over 2 years ago when this project first launched, everyone knew that going into this.

I fail to see how removing mage boosting but keeping shop boost is somehow supposed to help the Community. What did this change?

People aren’t going to magically want to relevel every alt, they’re just forced to pay a $60 price tag to do it every time which is more harmful to the community and game than just allowing people to mage farm lol

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well, one time. I don’t think I’ve seen any indication that boosts are still not locked behind once per account.

I mean this is even worse if it’s not multiple times lol, now you’re just making it this weird forced grind with no solutions other than rolling a fresh account to use a 70 boost on alts because that’s going to be far superior time wise for most people than doing it fresh.

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Stop trying to expedite a past time.

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It was alt-friendly even without LFD with the changes around leveling speed, mount, heirloom, better spell/talent, mana management etc…