I really just want to go to sleep and just need to finish this daily before reset

Now, as to your issue.

Could this be a bug - possibly, but I myself have not seen a post on it, and we quite often do if something is widespread.

What I’d recommend is first - submitting that ticket to have a GM move your character.

Next, I’d do a full and proper reset UI. Will it help, not sure - but I’ve seen a corrupted UI have issues like this in the past. Whether it helps or not, it will go a long way towards helping trouble shoot this. If it works, there is your answer.

Blizzard Support - Resetting the WoW User Interface (battle.net)

If it does NOT work -posting in our Bug Forum so QA can have a look is recommended. I’d also mention in your bug post that you have indeed done a full and proper reset UI because that is usually the first step.

I’m going to lock this up as I believe the answers you’ve received have covered all the relevant portions of this.

he locked the thread so I couldn’t reply to it.

  1. I already know how to reset ui. I’ve done that countless of times before
  2. NO where in that answered my issue.
  3. I looked online
    looked online


Issues since november. look at the date. and no one bothered to fix it?

SO there is no way to getting unstucked unless a gm answers it. Great.