It’s a shaped charge. None of it goes towards yourself. Hell, none of it extends beyond <45 degrees left or right of its line of approach.
Which, while probably an errant claim, might be relevant if you actually applied this logic to the other explosives in the game, or even just the shaped / non-radial ones.
But clearly you don’t. Which is fine, since this is not ARMA, but World of Warcraft. Apply even a third of the same suspension of disbelief you do to all other specs in the game and there is no issue here.
He’s implying nothing of the sort… MSV melee range is 8 yards. Lunge is an obligatory talent, not for its utility but for its throughput increase via CDR.
It’s not, and no one’s claimed that it presently is. He claimed only that SV has every bit as much identity as MM and BM and that said identity is as cohesive as MM’s and BM’s. Which is pretty well known and agreed upon by those who’ve actually played it.
That and that your particular warrants were ridiculous. Which, well... they were.
Aye. You —not a general “you” but you in particular— don’t. You made that repeatedly clear. But noting a single truth doesn’t make your earlier strawman any more accurate.
And we also already have a ranged technique and munitions spec that uses Physical (direct and bleeding), Arcane, Poison, Fire, Frost, Wind, and Shadow damage, can automatically apply poisons and gains charges of its key ability to fire off instantly from periodic damage dealt.
You already know my stance about randomly separating enhancing one’s pet from coordinating with one’s pet, but… if MSV is just a Beastmaster, the heck do you need an RSV for? You’d only need like 2 choice nodes and due conditionals.
Wait, wait, wait… You’ve yet to note any removal of the things advertised within Hunter class fantasy beyond auto-shot, as if somehow dealing one’s passive periodic damage from closer is somehow gamechanging.
It’s not 2010. Autoattacks are not the majority of our damage anymore. They haven’t been for many years now.