I really enjoy Survival

Tbh it’s probably because the average thread is a dumb post to begin with and then filled with awful takes

well, in the case of you and Beppels it’s more like god forbid you let anyone else discuss things on a discussion forum…
Almost every single forum thread ends up being him and you arguing the same old thing ad nauseum. Doesn’t even matter what the thread was about originally.
You can’t possibly Not see this right?

I mean yeah obviously… it’s public forums for a game. But just because you think a thread is an “awful take” doesn’t mean it should be taken over by beppels and this nondriel (can’t remember his real account) arguing the same thing. They are bickering like a old couple.

Yeah I think it’s giving them a bit too much credit as to why the hunter forums are relatively dead but not defending bepples making every thread about rsv

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maybe im not looking hard but 99% of what i see on the forum here is feelycraft rather than actual cogent discussion

so much “X is good/bad because…BECAUSE IT JUST IS, OKAY?!”

Exactly, that’s why if I want to see relevant hunter info I check the discord and the forums is just for entertainment

Survival is super fun and that Bepples guy is something else, I tell you hwat.


heck yeah

huh? nobody is stopped from anything being discussed. bepples shows up in every thread under the moon to freak out. that stops nobody from interjecting

not to mention every time bepples gets banned (it happens quite frequently) nothing changes here lol


It’s almost like melee Survival has been here a while or something.


its going into its 8th year soon <3

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So many complaints about Bepples but they have single handedly kept Survival from falling into obscurity. Instead of the topic of melee Survival just being buried in all the other posts it has contributed to most discussions on Hunter’s forums. It all thanks to Bepples for keeping it alive.

Is this a joke post?

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Have to agree with these parts.

The rest, though… mostly not so much.

I just want to focus on this one in particular, though:

I could have sworn there was keynote talk about possibly adding 4th specs, again, instead of new classes, from around the time Aug was publicly in the works.

I do suspect hero classes may have replaced that —especially since they’ll doubtless apply yet another unnecessary stricture just to follow through on a form that works for some classes (that each spec must have 2 and only 2 hero class options, with only Druid being a possible exception)— it does seem more likely than SV being turned to pure ranged again, especially due to the expressed player frustrations at the last major (wave of) shift(s).

That would have to be taken in the context of breadth of optionality to be included with that design, though. It wasn’t given as “If we were to redo everything in the same way as we did back then, we’d have gotten better results with just 2 specs” so much as likely “allowing for more in-spec customization while using just two each could have allowed players more customization than half the customization but 50% more trees”. Or maybe it was making a claim about the workload of spec balance/quality vs. content output, not the player experience surrounding customization, but that, too, should then be taken into account.

Nope, this post would have quickly died off; however, you and Bepples have kept this post from just being a quick post to a whole book.

People just read these discussions to see how long before Bepples comments. Then everyone complains about it, yet are still compelled to answer them back. Bepples has done more for melee Survival than range Survival.

gosh just think if bepples could keep his mouth shut maybe he would have had rSV years ago :frowning: poor guy is the instrument of his own downfall

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RSurvival be still dead, but it wouldn’t be linked to the ranting.

Is the discord useful? Honestly, of the few class forums I visit, these are by far the worst of just being a waste of time to visit. Occasionally there’s something useful buried in here, but i have to scroll through a lot of pointless crap to get at it.

I’d rather deal with the dumb takes than the constant bickering of the same topics over and over.

Absolutely! It’s where I learnt basically everything hunter related and now happily pump and get CE each tier


I think by and large discords will always be more helpful than forums now. helpful information is curated and pinned, there’s a much more usable search function, plus it’s a live environment so if you have a question that isn’t immediately answered in FAQs, pins, or guides, you can just ask