I really don't want another Thrall returning story as a Horde player

Don’t worry they are adding in elf drama soon too. You’ll be ok pookie.

He didn’t whine about the weapons. We just helped him find one. And I want him back. I don’t want the dumb council.

Khadgar is capable of this. And probably any mage in the Kirin Tor at least. I’m guessing it was Khadgar who sent Thrall. Jaina’s a possibility, too.

Horde leaders were picked via Makgora challenge. Not by vote.

Ah, but out of all those high-skilled Mages, who is the one with a close personal relationship with Anduin? He calls her “aunt” and all that…

He turned down multiple good weapons because he was picky. That was annoying given where we were

Because a good axe is best. Non Warriors will never understand.

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Oh you’re being silly. My bad I was reading your posts seriously

No I’m for real. A good axe is better than anything. And why wouldn’t he pick something more familiar to Orc Warriors as well?

That was definitely one of the most ridiculous quests I had ever seen in the game up until that point. It was like “Thrall my man, we are literally in Hell. There’s weapons everywhere. Just pick one and let’s GO!”

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If we were anywhere else I’d enjoy the silly. But its not a great opener to “ooo big scary wow mega super hell”

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Too bad any good leaders of the Horde are either killed off or written off.

There’s not much choice left for the Horde unless Zappy Boi throws his hat in the ring :slight_smile:

How does he feel missplaced? Have you followed any of the story or do you just follow news posts and not even play the game?

I got the misplaced thing from other people talking about it.

Just more of that “I left but I’m back now with the Horde”. It gets old.

Jaina and Dadghar aren’t the only mages capable of precise portalling. Player mages do it all the time. And most other mages have been shown to be able to do so as well both in-game and in the novels. It’s not some restricted super archmage thing.

The cinematic at the end of Dragon Soul- there was a girl and Alexstrasza held her hand over her tummy and used her magical pregnancy powers and Thrall almost smiled, well, what happened to that baby and her/his mom?

Thrall was likely trying to smile because he knows he will never have to pay child support.

That would be Aggra. She’s still around and was just given the title of Farseer of the Frostwolf Clan by Drek’Thar. Thrall has 2 kids with her now.

That’s…not what happened. She was already preggo, Alex was just saying “Grrl you preggo” and Aggra was like “Wut”

Thrall’s kids, Durak and Rehze, are in the game.

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I also think we should stop having to kill Archimonde.

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Since when can player mages portal to a precise location in a zone, and not to the predetermined static location they usually portal to?