I really don't want another Thrall returning story as a Horde player

Also pay attention to the rest of the comment. In-game and in numerous books, regular mages are shown to precisely portal/teleport all of the time.

Heck if you listen to the old flirty conversations between Lor’themar and Thallysra, we know Rommath can send anyone pretty much anywhere he wants since he threatened to drop Lor’Themar right in the middle of the Night Well if he didn’t show up for his first date with Thalyssra. And don’t forget the crazy crap Occuleth can do with teleportation magic. And Thrall would have easy access to the services of both the Grand Magister and the Cheif Telemancer.

Point is, Thrall getting ported directly to Anduin isn’t really that big of a deal.

The rest of the comment didn’t pertain to player mages and I was specifically curious when player mages gained the ability to do so since you said they do it all the time. Which is why I asked about the player mages.

Not particularly interested in NPCs doing it in literature or in game, so Idk why you bothered to type that out. If you paid attention to my comment, youd see I wanted to specifically know about the player characters.

I’m less talking about the location (because like you said, it’s a fairly simple matter for Mages) and more about that the portal took Thrall to Anduin’s precise location.

Like, who would know where Anduin is? …the people who care about him! (And select guards/supervisors since he’s the King, but that’s a complicated matter, I guess.)

To be absolutely honest, I’m not understanding what kind of quibble you have over this point. I’ve been saying, “Huh, Thrall came out of a portal at Anduin’s exact location. This suggests a Mage with prior knowledge and/or a way to determine Anduin’s location. Jaina is one of those Mages, especially because she’s already got a close relationship with Anduin and she’s accessible to Thrall as well.”

You’re right that Khadgar is a possibility (accessible to both Anduin and Thrall), but he doesn’t have a close relationship with Anduin. I’m dubious that Khadgar would be able to easily track down Anduin.

Ultimately, it doesn’t really matter so I’m just baffled why you’re nitpicking this point. :woman_shrugging:t3:

Thrall returned in BFA. He’s been on the Horde Council since.

Anduin just sitting out in the open like that for long enough to have gotten comfy next to The Sword, isn’t exactly conspicuous nor is it something Magni, or anyone else in Silithis wouldn’t notice. Like I mentioned before, I’m surprised Thrall was the only one to show up.

I rather get the impression he was actually there waiting for someone to show up.

They probably kept tabs on him as well just in case he was needed. Thrall said that they had “stayed away”, knowing he needed time. Someone somewhere probably kept track of him. A quick scrying of an area after receiving rumors and/or reports in any given region about some ragged, scruffy blonde man with a huge sword hanging about would make it pretty easy.

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I suppose you hold a higher opinion on the general population’s powers of observation than I do. :slightly_smiling_face:

I teach high school. The students (and staff) I work with can be so very unaware of their surroundings… often.

(Also, I’m a Deaf person, born-and-raised. I’ve been shown, over and over, that hearing people could be incredibly unobservant. I suppose I’m jaded in this one area.)

We don’t have the deaf senses update patch. We’re doing our best lol


Okay, that made me laugh. Well done!

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The remaining Cenariun Circle folks out there watching The Sword and guarding the teleporter to the Heart would have definitely taken notice of the self-exiled King of Stormwind just chilling out in the middle of open desert next to The Sword.

Same goes for the Horde and Alliance scouts that are also no doubt scattered all over the place.

I mean he is wearing loads of tan while sitting in a desert. I’d say he’s pretty camouflaged

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If you say so. :slightly_smiling_face:

He even has it all through his hair, too.

I’d be satisfied with Garrosh killing another time dragon and killing Thrall to setup a new timeline where we get weekly quests to go talk to the Chieftains on Draenor about well… anything. Anything is better than World of Feelings.

Yeah, but nobody just hangs out in Silithus “just because”. And they definitely don’t just chill next to The Sword to sight see. I mean, there wasn’t exactly a bustling “general public” out there before Sargaras used it to play Pin the Sword on the Planet. Even less, now.

This made me laugh. But is also painfully true

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I just picture Rosenivy whapping Thrall upside the head now anytime they meet after that

I dug around the internet and discovered I am not the only one who thought Alexstrasza casted “Power Word: Pregnancy” but I guess it docent matter, perhaps she spent years leveling up her detect pregnancy skill.

Did Dranosh have a kid before accidentally hitting his charge hotkey at Arthas? Gotta be another Saurfang or Hellscreamer out there somewheres. Gary and Dray were chillin in Nagrand and ain’t smash none?

Give us Lorthemar warchief, im sick of this council of peace who’s just holding hands