I really don't want another Thrall returning story as a Horde player

I honestly don’t think he’ll have a big role. he’s a small side character in key art, and his model barely changed.

Going to be kind of hard to exclude them if the expac is going to focus on Void assaulting the Sunwell. Will be amusing to see how Tyrande tries to screw this up since she can’t just sit down and chill when other elves are involved in anything.

Also, they better let us see their damned wedding IN GAME at some point.

Thrall in general always feels fine as a major character as long as Not Jaina Aggra isn’t around.

But speaking of which, I was disappointed/surprised it wasn’t both Thrall AND jaina weren’t there. Or at the very least Genn. Velen would have also made massive sense to be part of that conversation as well.

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Metzen is back which means Thrall will be shoved down our throats and up our rears. I can’t stand Thrall; give me Garrosh any day!

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I’ve been wondering whether I was seeing things in the cinema… in the spilt second before Thrall walks up to Anduin, there was a flash of a mage portal behind Anduin. I’m 100% convinced Jaina made that portal for Thrall to go speak with Anduin.

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This feels like the second or third attempt to get Thrall his groove back. Kind of hope it sticks this time. I like Thrall a lot but, yeah.

The Thrall/Anduin combo lead is pretty promising otherwise.

You’re right, they need to raise saurfang back from the dead instead. He only got killed off because “masculinity bad”. "Empowered wamen!

Couldn’t imagine what Metzen was thinking when he came back. Probably many '/facepalm moments.

Yes please. She was my favorite thing about bfa. Just rediscovered ztrolls and man we are under utilized.

So does that mean you will be leaving? If so, can I have your teeth? I have dreger friends in Revendreth that are always asking.

We need to expand upon Thalyssra’s lore. She’s the hero the horde needs!

I am too addicted to leave. I also love witnessing :poop:shows. Also, you can only have my teeth if I get titanium teeth in my jaws in return.

Sadly all our good leaders either got the villain bat, killed, or are the next expac coming(Lor’themar and Thalyssra aren’t going to be seen until Midnight). If we have to choose between Thrall or more Baine being uesless and just sitting and complaining, I’ll welcome Green Jesus back with wide open arms.

I kinda wanna see more Baine after his little story arc with the centaurs.

He was so mad he practically solo’d the quest for me

u seen baine being useless all of sl and you now want to see him be more useless? lol

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gestures to the story bit he had in Dragonflight

I’d like more of that please

I think they know how not to make him the main character this time.

Blizzard has always hated horde and orcs. To the point that they have wiped out all other orcs besides Thrall. They had us invade our own capital to kill all the orcs and then go to another timeline to kill all those orcs cuz there weren’t enough orcs in our own to appease the wow gawds. It’s appalling.

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I mean, I get it. But Thrall is one of those characters that sales game copies, and always has been. He’s the paragon of the “Noble Savage” Blizzard tried to rebrand their Orcs as.

And honestly, is his story actually done? Did he ever get his Shaman abilities back after he killed Garrosh? It sounds like he’s actually had some pretty crappy years recently.

Followed by “Now you get to see the violence inherent in the system! Help! Help! I’m being repressed!”


I assume he just took the portal in Zandalar, or had any number of horde mages port him to Silithus.

A portal that sent him exactly to Anduin’s location? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: