I really don't want another Thrall returning story as a Horde player

It’s been done multiple times. Orc drama is boring to the point where I didn’t even play WoW again until WoD was done.

At least with the Anduin stuff I get to practically chew on a characters brain and be all armchair psychologist with them. That stuff is great. Seriously this was me just seeing how absolutely broken Anduin looked

I get Alliance players are kinda fed up with Anduin but man. Can we please just get something else to eat Horde wise that isn’t “Oh Thrall is returning AGAIN and feels misplaced. AGAIN.”

Look I’ve just hated Thrall ever since he was in actual hell and was whining about weapons. I’m sure the souls being tortured into dust really empathized with Thrall /s


I welcome another Thrall come back. Welcome home warchief (he should be in charge again).


Personally never cared that much for Horde stuff. Then, I stopped caring about Alliance stuff. Dragon stuff is all I had left and they botched it badly.

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Eh the dragon stuff is fine. I just kinda wish they weren’t so lazy with Nozdormu. Even if from a writing standpoint I totally get it. Time travel is a royal pain to work with

( Altho someone reaaaaaaaaaaaaally needs to knock Alexstraszsa down a peg but that’s just me )

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He’s been back since the end of BfA. That story has already been told. What are you on about?

I’m going by what Blizzcon said

Listen. You had to know this would happen. Metzin will do a lot of good. We gotta pay the thrall tax tho.


Expansions are thought up way in advance. Metzen coming back NOW isn’t really gonna do as much as people think


He is about as much a warchief as Mother Terresa at this point. Change his title to peacechief. Or maybe he can team up with Gordan Ramsey and be a warchef.

Thrall can’t decide what he wants out of life. His character arc follows the ebb and flow of Chris Metzens real life career.

He’s just a self insert honestly, which cool and all but, does Thrall REALLY need to be here?

I swear when we get to Midnight Lor’themar, Thalyssra, and all the Blood Elven ensemble better be at the forefront of the story.


Mother Theresa ain’t that great of an example if we’re talking peaceful kind people

Would be rad. But I’m also in the “let the other races have fun” crowd. Orcs and Elves kiiiiiinda hog it a bit

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Well then stop electing psych paths as leaders :slight_smile:

Horde players are mostly in the “Well I didn’t vote for you” bunch when we get new leaders lol

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No one gets a say over which Marvel character takes the faction helm.

Don’t come for me, but I’m ok with Thrall being a main presence again. I feel like he’ll be done right and not as annoying as in times past. Let’s give our hero another chance.


his idiocyb axe throw in sl just makes me think he went full zug. maybe he is less dumb now lol

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“full zug” … :rofl:

What’s the alternative?

Lor’themar / Thalyssra? (again?)
Rokhan? He’d need a voice actor…
maybe Talanji?

There isn’t anybody else. Blizzard killed them all.

You want to be upset? Be upset that we’re doing Delves with frickin Brann Bronzebeard.

They couldn’t even be bothered to make a Horde version.

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I really liked that quest because of how silly it was. First the “BAAAAINNEE NOOOO” which induced many of giggles and then “needs more shaft” “too small” “doesn’t fit the rest of my outfit” with souls in the background being like “aaah is this damnation, everything hurts, release me from the horrors”


I love the new cinematic but tbh I was “sort of” disappointed it was just Thrall and Anduin. I think what used to be exciting about WoW cinematics was seeing big characters expressed in a way we’ve never seen before. Like the first time seeing Varian and Sylvanas in Legion was epic. We seen Thrall and Anduin a few times already. Would’ve been cool to see a character like Lor’themar? Tyrande? Jaina? Thalyssra come to life… idk? Something like that.