I really don't want another Thrall returning story as a Horde player

I’ll take Thrall over Baine any day like I’d be up for an entire Thrall based expansion where we explore a multiverse of Thralls if it meant never having to see or hear Baine again

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I’d be fine with that.

Eh? He does. Abubakar Salim. That’s been since BFA

I liked that this one wasn’t very actioney. The game almost never really bothered to go all “Hey these characters would be traumatized to heck and back. Lets explore that” so they kept the scene “intimate” with two characters having a talk. I don’t mean intimate as in the shippy way ( Heck folks shipped Saurfang and Anduin more than Thrall ) I just mean its a personal talk.


Rokhan has a unique voice actor? Huh. Guess that shows how many lines he gets, that I never noticed.

Rokhan talks a lot in Bfa

Oh yeah I 100% agree, I primarily loved everything about the cinematic. That’s why if I had to cherry pick my only gripe was it was characters we’ve seen multiple times before in the big cinematic. Because my biggest hype used to be seeing characters we’ve never seen before in cinematics, I always found that exciting.

Fair. But at the same time the art side of me was just “Oh dang that’s good face capture” Heck Anduin even has slightly messed up teeth because of his actor. I love seeing flaws still like that with animated characters. Like how Lady Dimitrescu in Resident Evil still has lil aging marks if you zoom in on her.

They even nailed that “I would be sobbing right now but I cried so much I can’t make any more tears” look with Anduins eyes

Baine would be fine as a Warchief/primary Horde protagonist. The problem most people have with him is the storylines he gets written into, which is easily fixable by simply giving him a dominant storyline where he plays a pivotal role. He would’ve fit perfectly fine as the primary leader of the rebellion against Garrosh, but they worked Vol’jin into that role instead and sidelined him. With him as lead, we’d also have no shot of another “Horde warchief goes evil and needs to be stopped storyline” that’s been done multiple times (and also the other reason people don’t like Baine).

People always had similar complaints about Cairne being an AFK NPC who just stood in Thunder Bluff and did nothing, but I guess in some people’s eyes Blizzard fixed that by giving him a cool death scene off-screen where he was clearly the ultimate badass who only lost because of cheating.

Really, any of Baine, Rokhan, and Lor’themar would be solid choices as a primary Horde protagonist if Blizzard stopped sidelining them in favour of characters like Thrall (and previously Sylvanas). The closest we’ve had to them in primary arcs was … Lor’themar on Thunder Isle? And even that was in the context of the rebellion against Garrosh.

Races like Forsaken need a bit of clear time to develop a true leader. Orcs … there’s potential for characters like Gorgonna, Nazgrel, Lantessor, Cromush, all of them could step to lead. Even Nazgrim.

Thrall’s already been back, so it’s not really a returning story. He’s a good character to use right now due to the parallels he has with Anduin. Thrall lost his shaman powers during a time of self doubt after killing Garrosh. Anduin’s lost his light powers during a time of self doubt after nearly(?) giving in to the domination magic. Thrall’s the perfect dude to have a first chat with Anduin.

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I’m fine with Thrall back because of where he’s at now in his Life. He’s been around the block way more and is settling more into a mentor role. He’s in his 40s. He has a teenage son, a couple of kids actually. He’s basically built a life for himself and isn’t the Warchief, so it’s not entirely on him anymore, and so Thall isn’t the would-be all-mantle savior of the Horde anymore. He’s just a part of it.

So now Thrall kinda has to find his role in the Horde now that he’s not the messiah, he’s just this older figure with a lot to sort of pass down. We see this with him and Anduin, giving Anduin the help he needs because he’s been where Anduin was. Maybe not that broken, but he was trying to escape himself and ignore all the awful things in his life that happened.

So that’ll be interesting. Thrall doesn’t have to save everyone anymore by himself, he’s not the everyone is leaning on, but maybe you can show Thrall as part of a story where he’s an important character who helps nurtures others. Y’know, like a Shaman.

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It’s not like it’s happened since WoD. Until Shadowlands and the only thing he gets is a short dialogue with your mother… Now he’s fully recovered, as if what happened before never happened. They don’t do that with Anduin and show in detail how he finds himself again. It’s also logical and I don’t mind that Anduin is broken after everything that happened. But it’s not the first time the Alliance gets this and the Horde doesn’t.

You had all of the Saurfang questline didn’t you? Like all of BFA was building Saurfang back up wasn’t it?

welp, its happening pal. Might as well settle in. “for the horde”

So can I count on your vote next year?

My storytelling metagaming senses tell me that this saga may be the finale for many original Warcraft characters.

There was no “Saurfang questline”.

He made a cameo in the starter scenario that introduces Talanji.
He made a second cameo in a zappy boy quest chain.
He shows up at the end with Anduin, Alleria, Vareesa.

And then he’s dead.

ill take thrall over the random fortnite dragons


Thrall coming back is like snuggling up with a childhood blanket and a good book. It ‘just feels right’…

I heard after they wrap up this story with the next three expansions, That the next story arc will be finding Thralls weapon

Anduin, momentarily possessed by the jailor, should have killed Thrall in the cgi

Yeah, most classic - Wotlk had Horde for Thrall. What came with Garrosh and Sylvanas was not what i signed up for.