It’s funny you mention Elvui, I used that since MoP but I didn’t like the memory usage so I spent like the last 5 months writing my own UI changing every tiny bit of the game to my liking Still working on it, configuring UnitFrames, ActionBars, and Chat is a royal pain everything is constantly breaking
but I’ve learned a lot and would be beyond surprised if FFXIV gave me the amount of control over the interface to where I was satisfied lol.
And here I thought damage meters where there to let you know how YOU are doing. The people who are being nasty and elitist were going to be toxic regardless of what tools you hand them.
I have seen many reasons attributed to to the toxicity but your own meters? I mean, I have been away for more than a hot minute so… is this a thing now?
I remember people getting so bent out of shape over IO scores and such when all they had to do was just form their own party.
Heh, I like how someone’s feelings were so hurt about your post that they flagged it. This was actually a simple but descriptive, well-thought-out, intuitive post with nothing at all offensive in it and yet it got flagged just because someone who loves FF14 couldn’t handle it.
What is going on here? How do some of the people on here handle daily life? Do these people go to an actual job and have to face criticism of any kind? Do they just completely crumple when they are so much as glanced at funny? This is why I have talks with my 15 y.o. daughter about not being completely spineless. Yikes.
I’m so glad you posted this!
Maybe it will head off the “run & go” crowd. The ones that don’t care about story, the end gamers, the io obsessed, the majority that would sooner run over you than help you, the supposedly casual advertising guilds that demand ilevel gear before even thinking about helping you…
No damage meter’s or add-on’s - THANK the GODs!
And dungeon gear gets synced to level of dungeons:
Oh my heavens! It’s fair play! You loose a few skills so you have to help others to survive. My god in heaven! The horrors!
“So much talking?” There’s a story in an mmorpg? Really? /scratches head - I did not know that. Thanks for the heads up.
An fyi, how to tell a new sprout - potential toxic Wow refugee? They show up, blast through the quest dialog & run off while you’re still reading.
You know how else? Someone in a great getup with no sprout emotes the hand to heart slight bow to you for no darn reason in the middle of a crowded marketplace and asks if you need help.
The toxic WoW player you hope doesn’t overrun the place doesn’t bother to acknowledge you when you bow after you both took down some overpowered stuff. Just runs off to (try to) quickly kill the two closest kills on your To-do list. When you help anyway cuz his life is going down quickly he doesn’t stop anyhow. Yeah, you think to yourself, WoW player.
WoW has many positives too. It’s pretty, interface is nice. And, I can see why original veterans of it have been even more upset by the current direction - hence Classic. But that didn’t quite fill the void for some; repeating old content.
Bottomline: go ahead and play if most of what OP said actually looked like a good thing - cuz they’re not even half as bad as he makes them sound. And some of it is GREAT!
Imagine no pressure, enjoying the fantastic feeling of the graphics that make you feel like you can almost smell the the flowers and when sun hits a forest; that earthy green warm air smell.
You can pick and choose. I don’t think I’ll stop playing WoW forever. There is just too much that is great. But until they give me a story and various things that have already been visited ad nauseam — both games have flaws /shrug
I don’t want that WoW pervasive negativity following over to ffiv.
That’s why ‘weaving’ is such an important part of Final Fantasy. Yes, you do have a 2.5 GCD, however during the downtime you are using your off-GCD-abilities…and pretty much every single class has several of them later on.
The only real exception to this is probably Black Mage…but that specific job is designed around being a hard-caster and the difficulty comes from the fact that you always want to cast in order to keep up your damage buffs. You always want to cast, but you also need to avoid AOEs and do mechanics…so you want to move as little as possible.
And if you really want a fast job…then you should try it out Ninja. That’s the fastest class in the game and it’s also pretty complex.
I feel like you haven’t really played FF14 beyond a few levels.
As you level, you steadily gain OGCD abilities, too, which significantly speeds up your apm and the pace of fights. And, honestly, even when I do an earlier dungeon without those abilities, it didn’t really take all that long to get used to the slightly slower GCD, either.
This is one of the great things about FF14 imo. It keeps old content relevant. Veteran players and new players alike will do most dungeons together. It keeps the dungeons active for newer players, vets get a reward if they do it thru a roulette, and everyone gets a bonus if there’s at least 1 new person in the group.
The last 3 letters of MMORPG are RPG. RPG’s are supposed to be about the story. FF14 stays true to that and is at its core a Final Fantasy game, with an awesome story.
Yes, early game this happens so you get used to what the different telegraph symbols mean. As you get higher in level, you’ll find the duration the telegraph appears is sometimes extremely short, so you actually need to position in advance. Also, other abilities will have no telegraph at all. And since there’s no DBM to hold your hand, you actually have to pay attention and keep up with the fights.
While it’s officially frowned upon, you can actually use damage or healing meters to assess your own performance and nobody (i.e. Square) would be the wiser. What’s not allowed is being toxic to others based on those meters.
That’s because you need to face targets in order to cast spells at them (duh). If you’re facing away from the target but click to cast a spell at it, your character will either get an error message or automatically turn to face it depending on what setting you’re using in the options. If you’re auto-facing, it’ll turn you to the target. Perhaps keep that in mind when casting spells?
As a purist, this is a HUGE plus to me. You don’t need a plethora of add-ons just to know what’s going on, and everyone is on the same playing field.
This to me is another page out of the “old” WoW book that I really liked - a large variety of abilities. Adjust your UI (completely customizable thru the options menu) and keybind as needed.
This is no different from WoW. Tanks are responsible for tanking, healers are responsible for healing, but both classes also are called on to do as much dps as they can while still fulfilling their primary roles. That’s WoW.
There are a lot of things to dodge on the ground, and the animations fill the entire GCD. Once you get higher, you start to develop a second rotation/priority under your main. Following the combos, and figuring out buffing order did a lot to distract from the long GCD early on.