I played FF14 So You Don't Have To

Because I enjoy both, or is liking more than one thing not allowed?


I’m pretty sure that the Devs would love to hear from you on their forums.

I’m beginning to think these forums are where people come to hate on everything because they’ve been run off every other discussion board.

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Don’t know if this is a joke/troll post or not but I do believe there is something to be said about the slower pace of the story in ff14. It acts like an actual story in that way.

Seeing some things that ff14 players trying WoW have said I agree with them. The story of WoW is major event to major event to major event to major event.

There is no down time in the story. it is all action and nothing else barring the 1 off drama/feelings cinematic.


It is just the biggest.

I like having a way of checking how my character is playing. It gives me lots of various information. For example, as a hunter I can tell how much damage the pet is doing. I can tell which of my attacks is doing good damage/dps and which isn’t. It’s not just to compare me with other people, its to help me judge my own performance in a variety of game situations. In games Ive played that don’t have it, I find it difficult to assess what impact my gear is having on my play, what spells suit my style best and so on. I think the benefits of Recount etc far away the disadvantages.

You can do that in FFXIV.
Seeing how much damage your “pet” does, however, is useless as the pets don’t really do much damage on their own in the first place, the pets exist to fuel your character’s abilities, not their own.

This would be useless in FFXIV as it relies on ability combos and weaving in off GC abilities. You need to use all of your abilities to be effective, you don’t just pick and choose abilities you want to choose.


Oh no OP, it’s too late.

drinks the forbidden flask

Playing both :kissing_heart: will decide on one when my sub runs out. I definitely like the WoW forums though.

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In FFXIV you can have shout chat.

Also, be careful with the fantasia, it can be addictive.

Oh I’m good haha. That’s one thing I like about both games.

WoW gives you so many character resources lore wise to build a story.

FF has a story already there and gives you an amazing experience while going through it.

In both cases I feel so tied to my character I don’t feel like changing!

This was enough for me to lose any interest what so ever. I hadnt played but watched ao streams for a bit until I realized that the game was mostly this. No thanks.

This is what would always keep me away :ok_hand: Can’t move and resize all the UI elements? :-1:

I’ve heard you can modify the game but it’s not allowed but no one will know and that’s probably fine for some people but I personally like to be squarely within the rules :man_shrugging:

It does help a little that the story is YOUR character’s story, and not the story of Sylvanas Windrunner.

Eh, it is another huge part of the game. But it is not most of the game. The game is heavily story based and this does indeed affect the design of the game, everything you do is in some way tied to the story. Well, maybe except PvP.

Actually, there is built in system to move hotbars, resize them, move healthbars, target bars, etc. No need for an addon to do that.

I will say though, that addons usually do it better because they are usually designed by players. You can move hotbars and target bars and such in FFXIV, yes, but it is solely a drag and move, there is no way to get precise positioning, which personally bothers me.

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Every point is 100% correct. FFXIV sucks. Stay away WoW community. Eorzea doesn’t really want you.

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Just pretty much comes down to personal taste and gaming views what people play, thanks for the post allot of info.

Oh you can, Just don’t need an addon to do so. It’s all available directly.

Definitely isn’t ELVUI levels mind you but it does it pretty well!

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Yes… yes it does.
Eorzea wants more adoreable sprouts to come along on the adventure, and enjoy the nice bands playing music in the streets of Ul’dah and Limsa Lominsa :relaxed:

That said, I know you just want to avoid que times, but they are not that bad!

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Pffh I don’t have queue times I main WHM. I don’t want trashy whiners in roulettes.

Eh, I haven’t seen any whiners. People tend to be fairly humble and usually keep a low profile. Remain patient and explain how the things work if you can see that they do not manage to pick it up on their own.

The way I do dungeon runs, is usually just lead new people in blind. Some people will quickly pick up on the mechanics, others will need a short explanation after having seen everything and they are good to go!

Just be patient and be happy that the game can grow bigger, it may just convince Yoshi-P to start negotiation for more support from SE, so that they get a bigger budget.

That said - I did mean que times to get into the game :stuck_out_tongue:

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