A list of reasons why you won’t like FF14. I’m not going to cover the positives here because there are plenty of posts about those already.
- 2.5 second global cooldown. Imagine hitting a button, then waiting 2.5 seconds before you can do something else. It’s enough time to make a sandwich, eat it, do the dishes, get a PhD, and find the holy grail in between each sword swing.
- You get de-leveled all the time doing dungeons or quests, and this makes you literally lose skills that you had before. So you might be reaching for a heal spell that you suddenly “haven’t learned” and you die.
- So many cutscenes. So much talking. So many quests that are literally just “go to this faraway zone and talk to a person then travel to another faraway zone and talk to another person.”
- All enemies telegraph attacks the same way: with a generic circle/cone/line. It takes you out of the game because it’s so generic and not realistic.
- No damage or healing meters allowed. That’s right, you are not allowed to know if you’re playing well because it might hurt someone else’s feelings.
- When you’re running away from a telegraphed damage thing, but you need to cast an instant ability, it turns your character and you run the wrong way, often into the damage you were trying to avoid.
- No add-ons allowed. That’s right, you can’t track your 100 different abilities with varying cooldown timers.
- So many abilities. By the time you get to a high level, you’ll have 100 abilities that do virtually the same thing but with different cooldowns.
- Counterintuitive classes. You want to heal? Too bad, your job is to do damage. You want to tank? Too bad, your job is to do damage.