I played FF14 So You Don't Have To

I agree wholeheartedly!
Best to quote sarcastic, rhetorical questions in their whole.

Unless I missed that you were agreeing with me. I know intent of communication can get lost with just the written word. /smile


The story is just bad and counterintuitive. ARR is basically 80% filler quests, and the twists are cheesy af. Everyone is suddenly related.

I’m not going to grind through two more expansions to get to the end game. From what I understand, it’s not very dynamic. And say what you want about GCD, the combat system is either too complicated or too slow. It revolves and gravitates around the GCD.

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Definitely agreeing.

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This is why WoW is better than FF14.

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Guy goes into FF14 looking to hate it, hates it.

News at 11.

You guys are so transparent. Continue supporting an evil company :smiley:


False. But whatever helps you sleep at night :wink:

Enjoy supporting a company whose actions led a woman to taking her own life.

I’m sure your crappy rpg justifies it.

Imagine being so loyal to a company that gives no craps about you that you’d lie about a competitor like this.


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Lay off the smug pills dude :rofl:

So many wow players be like this. It’s such a sad meme.

I get it, it sucks early levels and having the patience to get these abilities that are off the GCD made the 2.5 GCD cooldown less of an issue as you get plenty of these 50+, skill/spell speed also reduces the GCD cooldown.

Its fine I suppose, lets you do an instanced content the way it is intended without extra abilities, you can do this unsynced though.

Well given it is my first Final fantasy game I have played (Heard of the franchise but never actually played the games when I was young, Final Fantasy is much more story focused than WoW so yes expect alot of cutscenes and talking from a game that puts RPG and story first, MMO second.

Some of this is in WoW aswell.

Damage/healing meter is allowed… but if you share you will meet an suspension, why? because meters create a toxic environment, in WoW most of us live or die on that meter and there will be some people will berate others if dps is lower, I know it may sound to you as the people in the FFXIV community are special snow flakes but really they are not.

You can have a damage meter but do not share a report of the groups damage/healing and maybe Square enix will turn a blind eye.

Annoying but a you issue.

I do not have an issue with no add-on support, in fact I would rather prefer to not get hand held too much. 100 abilities? I do not know where you got that from, most abilities I get is cooldowns with some damaging abilities.

again where do you get the 100 from? you can also customize your HUD which to compare it its basically bartender4 in some way, that the only add-on that the devs integrated into the game.

Most classes are in predefined roles and those roles still have the same responsibility as WoW.

Also, you are not locked to one specific class on that character.

OP, every item you mentioned indicates you haven’t played the game past the tutorial stage.

73 white mage. Nice try though.

Oh, you hit level 73?

I’m glad you were able to comprehensively evaluate the entire game based on an uncapped single job.

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Then you would know there are spells you can cast during the 2.5 second GCD. I’m at level 75 on my WHM I think I have 3 bars of abilities. I get you just want to crap on the game but exaggerating while trying to make a point doesn’t make any sense. Are your gathering/crafting jobs at level 1? Because you left out how great their crafting system is.

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  1. If you’re complaining about the 2.5s GCD, it means you have gotten nowhere or don’t know how to play your job. More on this in #7.

  2. This is only a problem because you don’t know how to play. The content is balanced around specific levels, gear, and abilities. I’ll agree it’s not necessarily fun, but it’s not really a big deal once you learn to play. EDIT: Except for BLM. You win there. BLM sucks in low level dungeons because rotations change so much. +1 win for you.

  3. 2.0 is admittedly not the best in this aspect. They improved significantly in Heavensward, and by Stormblood, it was amazing. Of course this is subjective.

  4. This indicates you have not done any content beyond leveling dungeons, proven by your response of having a 73 white mage, which although obviously gives you enormous street cred, doesn’t really make you qualified to make this assessment. In later content, there are far, far more complex “telegraphs” than simple cones and circles. Some even require math!

  5. Nobody really cares if you run ACT. You can even make videos on youtube using it, and nobody will care. Just don’t be a jerk.

  6. I’ll admit not being able to have the same addons as in WoW can feel bad at times. However, the base UI in 14 is tremendously flexible. You can run any number of graphical mods like ReShade or GShade for fun though. Nobody cares.

  7. This explains why you found #1 to be a problem. You haven’t figured out how to play yet, so it seems you are overwhelmed and just do your GCD abilities.

  8. Jobs == Specs, it’s not really that difficult to understand. I do feel you though, I wish I could DPS as a DRK or WAR but hey, that’s just the way they designed it. But then again, WoW had similar shortfalls. It was fun being a Gladiator DPS Prot Warrior for a while, and before nerfs, being a Shockadin is pretty fun. But make no mistake, you’re not doing that anywhere meaningful anyway, and in the end if you want to play Prot you’re a tank, and if you want to play Holy, you’re a healer. The same goes for 14. That doesn’t mean you can’t own the DPS meter on trash as a WHM though. Roles are also quite relative. EVERY job in 14 is actually DPS. Once you figure out how to tank and heal properly, the next metric that can be optimized is your damage output. Eventually, that’s your focus on all jobs. Unless you’re terrible at tanking and healing and don’t bother with it.

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When your main spam ability takes the entire GCD, no, you don’t have other things you regularly cast. This is as a white mage. It’s just annoying and makes combat tedious and slow.

I mean…do you also complain about Holy Priests not having enough buttons and taking longer to kill things when compared to Shadow?

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If you find yourself having nothing to do in between GCDs, then that means you’re probably using GCDs to heal. If you’re casting heals on GCD, you’re usually doing it wrong.

Use your GCD to DPS, OGCs for healing.

Admittedly, it’s a bit more difficult for WHM, but then again, it kind of is the newbie healing job. It’s close to a Holy Priest.

If you want a fun and interactive healing experience, play AST. You rarely use GCD heals, and you have a ton of stuff to do oGCD, such as strategic healing and shielding spells, tank buster shields, and a dynamic party buff system.

Do all that stuff oGCD. That lets you be able to DPS by casting just Malefic or Gravity on autopilot, and then use the oGCDs to heal people, while juggling cards.

It’s also not necessarily important to keep everyone topped off at all times, too. If you focus too much on that, you end up overhealing and wasting GCDs and CD’s on healing spells, when you could have been using them on DPS. And some spells, like Essential Dignity, scale with missing HP and work better when used at low health.

Learn the fights, maximize DPS, oGCD for heals, and only GCD heal when its absolutely necessary.

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