I played FF14 So You Don't Have To

This is definitely true for black mages, who (if I remember right) are designed around the long cast times and have very few off-GCD moves woven into their rotation as a result. I don’t think it applies well to summoner, though. Red mage, ehhh but they’re kinda weird where every second spell you cast is instant, but I think they get a few cooldowns to use in between instants.

Summoner’s burst phase relies on you bouncing between instants and off-GCD stuff because your cooldown summon shoots when you make an action, so you’re expected to weave those in for more shots.

I love these threads. I enjoy both games but let’s gooooooo!

This is the default global, yes. Skill/Spell speed exist, as of weaving. What is weaving? It’s when you use an ability while your global cooldown is rolling. All melee, except Dragoon eventually get to around 2.0 global, while having a decent chunk of abilities weaving. Heck, EVERY job weaves between damage, even healers.

Basically, most jobs will hit 2 abilities per global.

Instances are treated like a time bubble. You go in them at the appropriate level and it syncs you to what you would have been. This isn’t bad and allows proper scaling. You CAN’T go into a dungeon having all of your abilities and I’ll give you an example why.

If you get into a level 15 dungeon and have a level 16 Marauder on a trash pack he’s going to, with Berserk, do around 200 potency (crit+dh on the 120 potency attack) per trash mob.

If you get into a level 15 dungeon and have a level 80 Warrior on a trash pack, he’s going to, with Inner Release, do around 500-600 potency per trash mob.

Sync is needed.

It’s a Final Fantasy game.

Thanks for letting me know you barely got into the game.

Half true, half false. You can run a damage meter if you want, you just can’t ridicule anyone inside the game on their healing/damage if you do.

Player issue, not a game issue. You can also turn off turn enemy facing automatically. Did you know if you’re strafing and hit an attack, it will still hit the enemy since you’re “facing it at an angle?” Also, did you know, like WoW, if you’re moving with your mouse and hit an ability such as Corruption and running away, you’ll hit the enemy while not facing them? Same as FF14. Your character might turn, but if you’re in direct movement, it won’t “make you run towards them”.

Game does a helluva good job tracking the jobs. I’m sorry that you can’t use addon’s that scream COOLDOWN! STACK! RUN AWAY! TAUNT! and have to think for yourself (sorry if harsh).

What is this? I can’t even. No. Each job works differently and while some abilities might look similiar, they preform in their own way.

Example, Dark knight Delirium vs Warrior’s Inner Release. Both let you spam attacks, but Warriors automatically Crit and Direct hit for huge burst, while Dark Knights spammable attacks are more sustained.

ABC. Always be casting. Hell, always be doing something. Sorry if you’re used to sitting on your hands and watching peoples HP fall and then feel giddy about hitting your heal button. Healing on FF14 is also very impactful when you can heal a tank up to 30% of their life with a cast (max level) or a DPS over 50%.

I despise WoW’s current babysitting healing of feeling weak as hell. Bring me back old healing please.


Max level rotations mixed with off global cool down presses are far more complex than anything WoW provides.

The 2.5 sec gcd argument is a great way to weed out those that have not invested any time real time into FFXIV because for most classes even by the end of Heavensward your rotation has been fleshed out significantly.

FFXIV is not for everyone but trying to say that you just press something and wait nearly 3 seconds to press something else is just plain false. Even on my warrior job which is a rather low actions per minute class I am pressing something almost every second and always have ogcd’s to weave in between gcd’s.

It’s also worth noting that you can increase the size of your abilities on your HUD if you need to be reminded to use your CDs. Asmongold has been doing so with his warrior.

Also, again, there aren’t hundreds of abilities for a single class in FFXIV. At most, there’s 40.

OP didn’t play the game. He’s just mad that WoW is clearly living in its shadow.

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  • My Bard at level 80 is literally non-stop casting and way, way harder than playing a rogue in WoW.
  • So?
  • True.
  • Better than not knowing what is going on half the time unless you have some stupid add-on like in WoW.
  • Good.
  • User Error on your part.
  • Good.
  • Good.
  • True.

Did you even bother to use oGCD abilities?

So does WoW if you run dungeons level synced.

Which are great to watch.

What is DBM?

DPS metrics dont define a good player, you can get top dps but if the healer is constant healing or ressing you, you are a bad player.

Abilities you get to press during the GCD, but I forgot you tunnel vision your rotation based on your first point.

Just get a bad tank to run content with, you can focus only on being a healer if thats what you want.

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screenshot or its not true

Your first problem and a large part of WoW refugees biggest mistake of playing any other game is you treat the other game like WoW and there are bad habits WoW teaches players to do like not caring about story, rushing to end game, having a panic attack if for .5 seconds you arent pushing another button.


In your opinion.


You posted on a discussion forum, be prepared for discussion.


Weird thread. It’s fine to put out a review, but everyone should try a game for themselves and make their own judgement.

I personally wouldn’t go back to FF, but I’m sure a lot of people would enjoy it if they gave it a try.

People who falsely report things as trolling need to have their reporting permissions revoked.

Invitation or not, posting your opinion as an objective take on FFXIV when a lot of your points are contorted is a surefire way to get people to correct you on the subject matter. You don’t have to like the game, but be accurate when you criticize it. Otherwise, you just look like a child who’s upset that his favorite game is no longer the favorite among the MMO community.

Okay! So you’re fully aware that every class gets off-GCD abilities that counteract the 2.5 GCD, or that a tank’s role is primarily emphasizing his CDs to mitigate damage for the healer, or that you don’t need add-ons because of how much in-game utility there is for the player?

Or are you just blowing smoke to validate your shortsighted takes on the game?


Ah, so you just give out your opinion like it’s holy gospel and no one else has a say in it, despite your opinion being subjective and giving out lot of false information?


OGDC exist :sleeping:
Classic exists :sleeping:

Because you chose to do it at level. You can always chose not to.
Might as well tack on the fact you get exp and legit max level rewards for doing a lv15 dungeon. What do you get in WoW? :sleeping:

Story / Narrative based game and you expect what? Must be the same type of person who can go to a racing event and be upset people are driving to fast. :sleeping:

WoW does this half the time :sleeping:

You can in fact have these in the game. The devs have already danced around the issue and came out and said its a dont ask dont tell situation. So feel free to have your dps meters but what you cant do is tell people or use it to troll like in WoW. :sleeping: :sleeping:

Sounds like a skill issue. If you know your character will always turn to cast then why cast lol. :rofl:

The whole git gud phrase comes to mind here. Good thing the game helps you and pretty much tells you what buttons to press 80 percent of the time. :sleeping:

My WoW healers have more buttons that do the “same thing” that half my FF14 classes. Like what are you even going on about here.

My warrior in WoW can not heal and my mage can not tank nor can my priest. Why can my DH not heal or my Lock? :sleeping:

No its not counterintuitive at all. Different classes are made to fit different roles. This is called balance. If everyone could do everything then their would be no roles at all. :sleeping:

You honestly tried so hard to bash FF14 without making any legit criticism. Next time play the game rather than watching a YouTube video before making a post like this or at least try not to be hardcore bias about the topic.


All you did was list actual aspects of the game using negative language.

These are all things that might be negative to one person but positive to another.

If you feel this way that’s perfectly valid. You should not play any game you personally do not enjoy. Do what makes you happy. And hopefully people who also won’t enjoy these game aspects read your review and also forego playing in favor of playing a game that makes them happy too.

My only advice is to use more neutral language in your game reviews.

You’ve told us you subjective opinion on why YOU don’t like the game. You aren’t doing the public some huge service telling us why YOU personally don’t like a game.

Also, not up for debate? Don’t post on a public forum if you just want to spew your negativity towards a game.

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I suspect he was looking for an ant-FF XIV echo chamber posting here.

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If you think FF is so great why are you here on WoW forums? Why not go to the FF forums where you echo lavish praises on the devs?


We are an anti-WoW echo chamber on these forums!