I paid $60 for a level 60 boost, so I can tell you what it provides

Agreed. They only way they could get me to use one is if they gave it to me for free (or included in an expansion purchase price).

It was supposed to be 184, but someone accidentally transposed the 8 and the 4.
I don’t know it for a fact, I just know it’s true.

You have to understand. You can’t really appreciate bowls of fruit in paintings at max levels if you’re not in such low ilvl gear.

The people that decided the parameters of this boost are professional game designers and clearly know more than you about how to appreciate bowls of fruit. Trust them. They would pay $60 for that package as well as they know its worth. In appreciating bowls of fruit.

The concept of pay-to-win boosting used to offend my sensibilities; now I sort of feel bad for the customer.

Thanks to OP for rolling the dice on this.
So, $60 or a day on intense levelling?
It noticeably cheaper buying a pair of tokens and hitting 60 with decent BOEs

My desire to bring up an alt this way is severely diminished.


All my characters start out life with 4 - 32 slot bags (self made) and 5000 gold all supplied by my 60 Mage

I have several characters that are at various levels.

If I boost one to 60 will the boost remove those bags and gold to replace it with what the boost supplies?

22 slot bags and 500g?

I hope not

60 dollars to have a toon to max level.

If that is the case they should sell level boosting since the charge is 1 dollar per level if a fresh toon.

Fresh toon = 60 bucks.
Level 50 toon = 10 bucks
Level 37 toon = 23 bucks

And so on.

They would probably get alot more people to bite on level boosting if they charged you per level instead of a flat rate cause 60 bucks for anything other than a fresh toon is freakin robbery.



I did a tof experiment so they even “fixed” 50 to 60. the new tof is
nice. I cna give credit to blizzard when due. The bonus objectives don’t make you want to eat a shotgun anymore. +20 cool points there.

that, some dungeon pops
smooth 10 levels now. And personally I love 1(10) to 50. Older wow is better to me so not a chore to be here. Others opinions can vary ofc.

The tomes were an Ion compromise after he changed the way the talent system was originally designed to work. As designed, you were meant to be able to change talents any time, even in raids on a per-boss basis - that’s how it was sold to the community when it was implemented.

And then along came “meaningful choices” blah blah blah.

For me and many others, the effect of this was that talents get set and then we completely forget the talents window even exists.

Just another way in which the current dev team is “meaningfully” designing the game for raiders and key pushers only.

As for the boost gear item level
 I almost posted when they announced the boost that it was sure to come with the crappiest gear possible, but they’ve actually outdone themselves this time. Keep in mind, people, that Blizzard made a CONSCIOUS DECISION to make the gear that bad. Taking the price of a AAA game off you and giving you hand-me-downs.

60 dollary doos for a boost isn’t worth it at all considering how fast it is to level.

Looks great fresh 60 to start Shadowlands content. Its a time saver plain and simple to skip the leveling process.

imo what is listed isn’t worth 6 dollars never mind 60.

you can just do threads of fate and end up in a better position than this all while not even being max level.

for a lvl 50 character, you save exactly 0 time unless you already have a full stack of gear boxes sitting around and already had a lvl 80 cov so you can spend the 500g they give you for the lvl 40 renown boost

a new player will hit the content drought or a wall blocking progression, but thats regardless of it being a lvl 60 or 120 or 140 lvl boost *which is what it would be without scaling.

maybe players that just want a max character to learn the transmog boes could find value.

maybe its worth it if you are dropping a fresh character on a server. literally getting a full 60 levels out of it. an alternative to faction swapping might be worth it. :thinking:

but the boost itself isn’t really giving much. a single covenant daily gives more gold and a base lego item is going to cost a whole lot more. (a full set of r4 base lego items is worth more than the boost)

Profession boosts only came when you leveled a character to 28 and THEN boosted it to max.

still an okay deal at the end of the day.

levelling from scratch takes me about 2 days so 60 bucks is 30 bucks a day. most ppl’s time is worth more than 30$ a day.

*nice necro :slight_smile:

The comment you responded to is nearly a year old. The person you responded to hasn’t made a post in over 2 months.


It’s been like this forever. Boosted chars get starter equipment. They just are laughing as they suckered another into buying one.

Is Clark still around?

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I still have a lvl 50 and 60 boost to use

Man has it only been 11 months. It feels like a lifetime ago