I paid $60 for a level 60 boost, so I can tell you what it provides

Even the crap boost gear of tbcc boost laughs at that gear.

It could at least farm 58 to 60 mobs day 1 of buy. What I had my boost do for 2 week Pre run.

Maybe there was a hidden $30 option to boost your boost and get better ilevel? I think if you equip level 60 heirlooms they have higher ilevel right (nope ilevel 146 so this is 2 ilevels higher)?

I do think you could have been given some 190 gear but everything else sounds right. Level boosts shouldn’t let you skip any content or grind besides leveling.

That’s how it should be imo. For 500g you will be renown 40 anyway. Absolutely shouldn’t give a lego.

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Should have saved your money. I mean it takes a week, maybe two (depending on your play time) at most to hit 60, getting gear, renown and anima along the way
Plus if you had waited until Monday when the Anniversary started you would get the WOW Token that increases your experience and rep during the anniversary. I have 13 characters at 60 (took me 3 days on my Monk to get her from 52 to 60), and 3 more characters at 52 waiting in the wings :slight_smile:

I think boost price should be cut in half each time a player gets a toon to max level the hard way in each xpack. So once you level up 2 toons then you can buy boosts for $15 bucks.

Isn’t having to go through the leveling process twice enough times in one xpac?

classic blizzard

Knew they would add it eventually but genuinely surprised they did not lower the cost. That is $1 per level in a world where 1-50 takes like 10 hours. Might as well just level up instead at that point.

i mean it says raid ready, but you cant queue lfr at 148 ilvl, and it does say dungeons which is kind of technically accurate, but only normal dungeons, which isnt really an amazing selling point, you can queue those at lvl 50 with some tiny ilvl, i think like 100.

That article then goes into all the bfa stuff you get.

I’m not worried about the gear, because you can pretty easily hit 225 in a weekend. That said, the price seems about 2x too high for what I’d be willing to pay.

I appreciate you taking the hit to show us what it’s about. I definitely won’t be going for it now.

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Thanks for the sacrifice and the Yikes.

I mean on one hand it proves the boost isn’t P2W while on the other is is just for those who would rather boost then regular leveling.

based on the BFA 120 boost, the SL 60 boost is way underwhelming, who ever set this up at blizzard is not even close, just look at last expac with the BFA 120 boost, you were set up in greens to start LFD herioc and LFR.

148 gear on current boost needs to be corrected to at least 184, to have the same affect that the boost in BFA had


Should have been 210 ilvl minimum.

I went to wowhead and looked at the details on what it provided
 For free.

Without a doubt blizz’s biggest cuck. The fool paid $60 to help support a sinking ship. Talk about being in denial.

I hit 60 last night on an alt and had np doing stuff in predominantly 129 greens.

Unfortunately, gear can’t help most bad players.

Thank you for the community service. I sort of get why you’d be all in quest greens since alot of people don’t do dungeonsm byt at least there’s some decent dungeon BOEs in the AH now. I see level 190-262 runecarvings in the AH too. People selling 190 for like 30 gold and 262 for 40k gold,

I didn’t look at the regular armors recently, just noticed my leveling toons might jump from ilevel 50 to 91 at level 51 for cheap.

Also seems to me every DK I ever started died six thousand times getting out of the starting zone, but that’d be scarlet crusade cavalrymen. Maybe training scourge were deliberately unbalanced to preserve all the dying experience you get starting a death knight!.

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That really actually is a good idea. All purchasers of level 60 boosts are automatically joined to a guild created by Blizzard. Maybe it’ll help with getting players that are casuals or unguilded to have an easier time to start doing runs together.

Eve does this for free lol.

Make a new char you are in ye old default noob corp for your race. And
it can be helpful. YOu get some who try to help with that NPE there.

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Sounds like a deal :joy: :rofl: :joy: That neck looks like it came from MoP.