I need a SOLID, 100%, ANSWER: [CLOSED]

The only real time I see that word getting thrown around is when someone wants to belittle someone else’s accomplishments or skill.

Goes with try hard, basement dweller, etc. God forbid someone is better than you (royal you) at something essentially.

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Dictionary is a thing.

And yet those forums were used for BiS, theory craft and more as a bunch of elitist jerks. I was on those forums too (not on this name) so don’t try to sugar coat things for me.

Have a night night.

Yes. To teach people. Not to act like snobs. There was a brief period of issues with other people, not the creators. Maybe learn the real story instead of spreading disinformation.


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To teach people how to be elite, ergo… elitists in some cases. You can sugar coat things all you want, but your nostalgia doesn’t mesh with me.

The best thing about GD is watching people throw this out like some kind of major gotcha while they’re really just proving they have no idea what they’re taking about.


I suppose this follow the description of “elitist” then, huh?


It’s not nostalgia. Sounds like you’re one of the ones who got posts deleted, because they were crap posts. Mods were insanely strict and that’s what angered people.

Learn the real story and not your own bitterness.


I honestly have only ever met a few elitist tbh. At least people that come off that way. But I believe you are correct, it used more as a form of name calling than anything.

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Yep. What’s the point of even asking for that? Not gonna happen.

I present to you, the one true answer:

“Everyone who thinks they’re better than me is an elitest. Anyone who thinks I’m better than them, think I’m an elitest.”

Elitist just means you exclude people who aren’t an edgy overly priveleged wealthy prick like you, that also is very skilled at the game because you made your game difficult. But just being very good at the game does not an ‘elitist’ make, as it’s obviously used pejoratively. You can be a good person and also very skilled at the game, though so much of the game has become being mechanically skilled over everything else- even basic respect.

I don’t think people care that others are really good at the game, they find it impressive and can respect skill. It’s that for so many years, until we had Delves - the game obviously excluded a more casual and friendly playerbase over those who like trash talking and hyper competitive e-sports.

An Elitist according to the Olvan-Jenkins Dictionary, (no relation) is someone who was carried by his buddies through the top tier / difficulty of raiding, sneers down his nose at players likely far more skilled at the game than he is; and who sits AFK in Orgrimmar, Stormwind, or the current expansion hub’s Auction House; most of the time. They claim to be AFK as they have a “job” or other RL matters to attend, but are almost always at their keyboards in reality.

They also are fond of using the words, ‘noob’, ‘lulz’, ‘pwned’, and ‘gitgood’ in a manner consistent to Beavis and Butthead’s “Huh huh” punctuations. Some of them may be caffeine addicts, possessed of an alter-ego they cannot recall called akin to “The Great Cornholio”, and who is responsible for the late night antics that get their accounts actioned.

The current hypothesis is that this is why so many people flock to the Customer Service Forums complaining about account actions, with seemingly no real knowledge of why they were truly actioned in the first place. I understand that the HHS is currently studying this trend and expects to publish it’s findings ‘in the year 2525’.

…Assuming mankind is still alive.

There’s 1 player that somehow grinded LITTERALLY ALL achievements in the entire game. He was in the frozen north as a researcher with a mass ton of free time.

No way we can compete with such dedication, I do not consider him an elitest jerk unless rudeness was emitted with his actions.

I hate to break it to folks, but an elitist is, indeed someone who holds themselves above others and believes themselves better than those not in “their class.”


  1. one who is an adherent of elitism; one whose attitudes and beliefs are biased in favor of a socially elite class of people
  2. a person who is or regards himself or herself as a member of a socially elite group

The result of holding an elitist attitude is treating those you see “beneath” you reprehensibly.

Look, there are those who are good at gaming, the “elite” of a gaming community (of which I certainly am not). You can be an elite player and be a decent person (even if your social skills are lacking). I’ve had many a pleasant discourse with elite players, and have learned a lot from them. Many self-decribed elites thrill in “talking shop” and knowing their advice has helped improved another’s gameplay.

The negative behaviors associated with elitism has far more to do with that person’s own insecurities. Someone confident in themselves does not have to put others down to make themselves feel good. And someone truly good doesn’t feel the need to brag about themselves - their skill speaks volumes, and actions speak louder than words.

It is unfortunate that gamer culture encourages and exacerbates negative behavior.

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Personally, I always thought an elitist was someone who has completed something the majority of the player base has not and then either mocks them for not having done it, says it is easy, or both.

How much of an elitist you are scales with the amount of the player base that has not completed it.

Anyone with a higher raiderio score or more mythic boss kills than me is an elitist tryhard.

Anyone with a lower raiderio score or less mythic boss kills than me is a casual noob.

It’s like driving on the highway, the only appropriate speed is mine.

Generic Definitions


  1. Of or relating to elitism.



  1. The belief that certain persons or members of certain groups deserve favored treatment by virtue of their superiority, as in intelligence, social standing, or wealth.
  2. Behavior arising from or indicative of such a belief.
  3. Control, rule, or domination by the members of an elite.

Within the WoW MMO Context

Elitist: Although there are many factors which can contribute or detract from an ideal gaming experience, “Elitists” within World of Warcraft prioritize skillful performance above all else both of themselves and in those they play with.

Being “Elitist” does not inherently require oneself to be prideful, selfish, or condescending to others. When “Elitists” choose to exclude other players from attempting more challenging forms of content as a group, the reasons for exclusion can be entirely objective regardless of subjective interpretation.

Elitism can exist at all skill brackets and types of content, though it is more commonly found in the most challenging forms of content which cannot be completed without meeting certain objective performance requirements (DPS/HPS throughput, not standing in fire, etc).

The most “offensive” forms of Elitism occur when objective analysis is applied subjectively, often in a derogatory fashion. “Kind” Elitists are always willing to teach others, and simply don’t only when they decide that there isn’t enough time to do so.

Lots of “anonymous” people online don’t know how to take constructive criticism very well, and fewer know how to give criticism constructively.

It’s simple, really. If you’ve ever said “Get on my level” to anyone in an arrogant or condescending manner, you’re an elitist. Those that actively help others get there are not.


You found out what an elitist is.

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