I need a SOLID, 100%, ANSWER: [CLOSED]


But if you idea of fun is only winning and you start to demean others or just start being hateful to the people just enjoying themselves, you become an elitists.

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An elitist is a player that can conquer content most other players cannot.

Elite PvP players
Mythic Raiders
High level M+ Farmers

The top 1-3% of players in their respective categories. They expect peak levels of performance from other players at all times.

Elite. Instead of elite-ist. As soon as you become ‘elitist’ you’re just pretending you’re on the throne.


I know it when I see it.

If you want the definition of elitist you can probably just look for patterns of people responding to you in a snarky way.

I’m an elitist casual.

I’m going to be muting this thread on my end. Most of the replies I’m getting either has to do with “looking up” what an elitist is, providing a non-humanoid answer, or the continued response that would identify what a jerk is. Which again, is not an elitist.

Have a great day everybody.

I gave this dude a serious answer. Guess he didn’t like it.

I imagine GD would have a hard enough time agreeing on the color of the sky let alone something like what is an elitist. The terms elitist and casual have both lost all meaning when it comes to the forums. I imagine if we were to ask a handful of people to define each they’d all have a different answer.